Backfire (Protective!Arthur x Little Sister)

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Request: Can you please do a protective Arthur x Sister reader xXDamaged_AngelXx

Summary: You make a dumb decision.

A/N: This is more of a longer than normal drabble but I'll happily do more big brother Arthur stuff!

So, your genius plan had backfired just a tiny bit. When you saw the woman with the giant ring on her finger asleep on a bench in town, it didn't occur to you that maybe her husband was just around the corner. You thought you'd be able to swiftly pull the ring off and no one would even notice if you moved quick enough.

While you were able to get away before lawmen were even notified, you didn't get away with a ring. Instead, you got a giant black eye and a busted lip to remind you have how dumb you can be sometimes.

As you and your horse neared camp you cringed at how you were going to explain this to your brother. Or any of them for that matter. You moved off the trail into the treelike to get to camp. "Who is that?" Lenny, who was on lookout called to you.

"It's just y/n" you called back.

"Welcome back" he said.

You dismounted your horse and quickly scanned across the camp, trying to game plan how to get to your tent without getting noticed. You moved quickly and kept your head down. You'd just almost made it when suddenly,

"Hold it." the familiar voice of your brother said.

"Oh... Hey, Arthur. What's up?" You said without turning around to face him.

"Turn around, y/n" He said suspiciously.

You sighed and turned on your heels to him.

"Y/n! What in the hell happened?!" He explained.

"Arthur, it's not as bad as it loo-"

"Who did it? Was is someone here? I will skin them alive, who did that?" He cut you off.

"Arthur no that's not necess-"

"Who was it? Where are they?"

"Arthur would you shut up! It's really not that big of a deal!" you rolled your eyes.

"Alright then, what happened?"

"Well I might have tried to... borrow... A ring from this woman", you saw the look of confusion and irritation on his face, "She was asleep on a bench, but her husband was just around the corner at the butchers. So he got me pretty good".

He sighed, "Any issues with the law?"


"And you're seriously okay? Your nose isn't broken or anything like that?"

"I'm seriously fine, I swear."

"Okay... If you say so. Now about the attempted robbery-"

"Arthur..." You groaned.

"Okay okay" he said as he put his arm around your shoulder, "I'm glad you're okay".


Thanks for reading y'all! Keep the requests coming! XOXO

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