Come back to California, chapter 11

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A/N: Whooooohooooooo, it's good to be back. Really, so good! Anyway, this is kinda a filler but needed. Read on and you'll understand why :">~~~~

Love me or hate me, let me know alright?

And finally as always, reviews are DIAMONDS!!!!


Liz xxx



Ellie and Bradley stepped into the van and saw Ryan, Jamie and Ian were comforting Dorothy. Her eyes were all red. Dorothy was a strong girl, yet she cried. Bradley looked at Ellie worriedly. She also exchanged a concerned look. They both knew that when Dorothy cried about something, she was really stuck, or was really serious about it. When Ellie was about to say something, Bradley just put a finger on his lips and signaled her to be quiet. They slowly approached the four.

Seeing Bradley had finally arrived, Ian, Jamie and Ryan gently made way for him to sit next to Dorothy. The younger Dunning, when seeing her so-called big brother, sometimes daddy, immediately hugged him and sobbed on his shoulder.

'There, there. Everything will be alright, kiddo.' Bradley softly tapped on her back and pulled her closer.

'He's right. You and Nash will be fine.' Ryan nodded with Bradley and rubbed Dorothy's head. 'I'll go and talk to him. You stay here with Cooper and Ellie.'

'I'll go and have a talk with the producer.' Ian said.

'Yeah, I'm coming with you.' Jamie nodded.

'Thanks.' Ryan said with his friends. Then he turned to kiss Ellie quickly. 'We'll talk later, alright. I know you're also worried.'

'Good idea. I just don't want to scare her.' She hugged him tightly when they were outside of the van. 'But it's exactly why we broke up, remember?'

'And we're back together now. That doesn't matter.' Ryan told her. 'I challenge the distance. I'll win. We'll win.' He kissed her again.

'Thanks. We've already gone through something like this. I have more strength to let you go than Dorothy does. She's just been with him for a few months. And she has never ever ever ever ever been in a serious relationship before.'

'I still can't resist the way you overuse the word "ever".' Ryan joked. 'Anyway, they are having trust issues right now. All they need is finally understanding each other.'

'You mean putting her on stage and singing some random song that he wrote for her? That's so Taylor Swift. Let's do something that has the Hot Chelle Rae taste.'

'You didn't like last night?' Ryan mumbled. 'I suddenly feel hurt.'

'I love it. And that's just a lame excuse for my selfishness. Is it wrong to keep my boyfriend's confession unique, Mr Follese?'

He just smiled widely and kissed her again.


Nash was sitting quietly when Ryan opened the door of the room and walked in.

'Hey, bro!' He hit Nash's head gently, just like the time he did when they filmed 'Tonight tonight'. Nash turned around and gave him a glare.

'So it's you that people decided to come in here and talk my senses out?' Nash said.

'I won the competition, bitch!' Ryan raised his voice. 'Besides I know about this situation more than any of you guys.' He pointed at Nash's face, making the lead guitarist frown annoyingly. But even Nash could not deny. Ryan did have a horrible time going through the exact same thing.

Come Back to California (Hot Chelle Rae Fan Fiction, Ryan/OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now