Come back to California, chapter 14

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AN: OMG I AM BACK! I mss you guys so much. Sorry for not updating for a freaking loooooooong time. Uni is a bitch, it really is. Luckily I have done most of my assignment so I have a little free time to update this story. Please stick with me :(( Don't leave me, I'll cry forever...

Votes, reviews, follow, all are diamonds

And here the story... Let's see what's happening when there's a pain in Hot Chelle Rae's eyes 


Nah, it could not get any better than this: Hot Chelle Rae joined Taylor Swift and Adam Young on the summer tour. So basically if Ellie wanted everything back to where it was, she'd better talk with Ryan because the summer tour was the next tour that promised she would join him. But right now would not work. His silly smile in the photos still had the power to piss her off incredibly bad.

However, Dorothy, Taylor and Adam did an amazing job distracted her from Ryan. The rest of the day went on smoothly and full of laughter. Both Taylor and Adam were sweet and sophisticated. They lighted the world in their own unusual but beautiful way, and that made Ellie loved them.

'Oh my God, we have to do this again real soon!' Taylor laughed as they were walking along the pavement with hands full of shopping bags.

'Ha-ha-ha, very intriguing, Taylor.' Adam sniggered tiredly. He was the only man in the team today, so he had to carried the bags for the ladies and God knows how much one woman shopped, let alone three.

'Aw, you're my sweetie.' Taylor poked his cheek and he blushed.

'Ooohh.' Dorothy and Ellie sounded interestingly.

'What?' Taylor exclaimed, looking at the Dunning sisters. They looked exactly like twins. If Dorothy had not curled her hair, no one could have made the difference. 'It's kind of annoying and scary when two exactly same face looking at me like that!' She chuckled, putting her hands on her hips.

'Nothing.' They made the same impression and laughed.

'They're scary!' Adam shook his head, exhaling loudly (and dramatically).

'Anyway I'm off to New York this weekend for the New Year's Eve show. Times Square right?' Taylor announced, turning to confirm with Adam. He just nodded.

'Oh yeah, mentioning that Nash told me they're gonna be there as well.' Dorothy informed them.

'So I've heard.' Ellie said. 'I'm going. I need to talk to Ryan, and I have to do something about that Holly girl.'

'Uh oh, this can get ugly.' Adam lowered his voice, speaking in a horror movie tone. 'I don't like women when they're jealous.' He glanced at Taylor.

'What does that mean?' The country singer raised her voice. 'It's not like I writea song about that or something!' She cried out.

'She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind there is nothing I do better than revenge!' Adam, Dorothy and Ellie sang simultaneously, shaking their heads.


The next couple of days were hell for Ryan. Holly never learnt her lesson. Even her two companions, Amy and Louisa, started to piss off whenever she was around. Ryan felt like he had a stalker. And no matter what he told her that she needed to keep her distance, she just ignored him and continued to stick around him like a koala bear. No joke, the only time he could be away from her was when he went to bed, or the restroom.

They were having lunch in the van. Amy and Louisa offered to cook for them some simple dishes and they loved it. Holly refused to join the cooking and took photos of the girls and the band instead. But Ryan (and everyone) could feel that she took picture of him most of the time. And something he learnt during the last few days about Holly and her horrible personality was to ignore her. She may be pissed but honestly he did not really care. All he cared about now was his annoyingly one-way message conversation between him and Ellie.

Come Back to California (Hot Chelle Rae Fan Fiction, Ryan/OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now