Come back to California, chapter 02

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'Oh my God I can't believe I acted so dumb back there!' Ryan mumbled as they walked out of the van for the concert was about to start. The other three had already gone back stage and prepared, so Ryan offered to see her off as an apology.

'Don't worry. I've had a great time.' Ellie replied softly. 'Have a great concert.' She clicked her keys to open her car.

'Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you stay? Aren't you a fan?' He asked.

'Thanks but I have work I have to finish before midnight. I mean...' Ellie felt bad when Ryan looked a little down. She looked at her watch. 'Don't ever ever ever make that cute face ever again!' She laughed softly at Ryan's puppy eyes when she looked at the time and considered. 'I guess I could stay but only for half of the show. Sorry!'

'Take my hand. This train won't wait for you. Well I'll do anything if I can make you come away with me and don't waste time. Say, say that you're leaving with me! Say, say that you're coming with me tonight!' Ryan sang loudly, causing a few people to look at him. Ellie cautiously looked around and realised some fan girls had spot Hot Chelle Rae's lead singer in the car park and started to scream and ran towards them.

'Alright! Alright! I see the point. You've caught too much attention!' She blushed.

'Hand!' Ryan shouted and Ellie slid her hand inside his. 'Quick! Run!' He said, pulling her hurriedly and ran to the backdoor leading to the stage, where many tall and strong security guys were standing.

'You're just reckless!' Ellie shouted while she was being pulled away.

'Whatever!' He screamed while putting 'three in the air' with his other free hand.


They became close friends, closer than the relationships between a stylish and the clients. The band often invited her to stay for their concert after any fitting day or they even 'kidnapped' her from her office to attend their shows and after parties. Gradually, her celebrity crushes for them went away, but a different kind of feeling came instead. Ellie grew closer as a friend to Nash, Ian and Jamie.

But she was not sure about Ryan. He was the closest of four members to her. Besides doing all other 'activities' with him and the others like attending their conferences, after show parties or even visiting them in their private... mansions, as she liked to joke about their houses, she also did all kind of different stuff with Ryan. They were more personal. He often drove her home from her long working day whenever he was free and they had dinner or watched DVDs together. Ryan even made time to teach Ellie some guitar lessons and he was the only one in this whole world knew that she could sing very well. In return, she taught him how to cook because he once commented that her food was the best.

They were, in fact, very very close. But they were also, in fact, very very far. The only time they could see each other was when the band came back to town. They had tours, and she had a stable job. And they kept their thoughts to themselves.


Nash hit the door of the van open.

'Jeez, careful, dude! This van is really expensive!' Ian complained as Nash jumped inside the car.

'Aw, look who's here again, in a totally non offended way.' Nash whistled when he saw Ellie was sitting inside the van with Ryan's favourite acoustic guitar.

'None taken.' She laughed.

'Are you preparing her to be a new member, bro?' Jamie opened the fridge to get some water. 'You've been teaching her a lot lately.' He asked.

Come Back to California (Hot Chelle Rae Fan Fiction, Ryan/OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now