Chapter 28

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I had went home to shower and get some food. I hated leaving Jesse up there all by himself like that, but I had to. I showered at the trailer, and had dinner with Taylor and Josh. The cops had questioned me about who shot Jesse and I didnt know if I should tell them who it was or not. Instead i just told them that it all happened so fast and I didn't see. Really I hadn't saw, but I did know. As much as I wanted them to lock him up, if I told them the we would get busted for runaway. 

I walked back down the hall to Jesse's room. I flung open the door and walked straight to turn on the tv. The remote was hard to work so I usally just manually changed it. I flipped through the channels. The Minnesota Vikings were playing. I watched them and sat in my chair. I loved the Vikings.

"Can we watch something else, there not having a good season?" The raspy voice said. I looked over at Jesse. He was wide awake, just sitting there. I laughed and began to cry. I hugged him and I didn't want to let go. 

"Unless you really want to, then we can." I smiled and laughed and then contiued to cry. Jesse knew exactly everything that had happened. He knew that I was scared out of my mind, but even while he was in pain, he still made me laugh, and he still told me I could watch the vikings.  We didn't though because the nurses and the doctors came in, like a mob of zombies, they just came one after the other. Jesse was  tired, he had numerous needles poked in him. He bagan to doze off. 

"Jesse! Are you okay?" I stood up. I had panicked a little because I thought he was going back into a coma.

"Baby, im fine . I'm just tired." He said rubbing my hand. He finally did fall asleep. I sat and watched TV, untill Josh and Taylor came.

He woke up a few hours later.

"Jesse! I have something to tell you!" I ran into his room. 

"What baby whats going on?"

"We cant't stay here! We have to get out he's here! Jesse you have to get better! We have to go home!"

"Baby slow down what happened?" Jesse asked he grabbed my hand and tried to keep me calm.

"I was downstairs while you were sleeping and he came through the front door! I went down the hall and up the stairs because he got into the elevator. I came around the corner on this floor and he was asking the people at the front desk about you. I waited till he left and then came in here. He might have seen me cause I went back downstairs and he followed. Jesse he knows were here!" I cried. I had cried so hard I couldnt breathe. Jesse sat up and grabbed my hand I sat down on the bed next to him. 

"Call Josh and tell him to come up here." I did as I was told, I didn't tell him anything till we were all together.

"Josh, you and Carly gotta get out of here. Take Taylor with you. I'll come find you guys as soon as I get out of here." Jesse spoke to all of us.

"No! Jesse I won't leave you here by yoursef! I can't!"

"Baby go! It's the only way to keep you safe.-"

"I'll stay with him, here. I'll make sure he's okay. Carls, you go. Everything will be fine." Taylor told me. 

I hugged Jesse, and cried. "Go, Taylor and I will be okay and Josh will take good care of you. I'll Come get you when things get better. I love you." Josh and Taylor were saying goodbye. Then I heard Jesse say. "Take care of her man." 

That would be the last time I saw Jesse untill who knows when. I felt like I had nothing now. He was my rock and even when things got tough he was always right there. He toook care of me, but now he was really gone. All I had was Josh, I knew he could take care of me and protect me, oh but Jesse loved me. Taylor was there to protect Jesse, he would protect her. We were torn apart all in about one hour. In one hour everything I ever knew was gone, and I didn't know if it was coming back.


hey guys!! SORRY for the wait on the update!!!!!! I feel really bad. I recently startd school and have been pretty busy I will try to keep up!! I am also probably getting a job here soon so that will play a role too! I also had a bad case of writers block but my friend Dylan helped me!! Yes he is a guy and yes he does like this book, No he does not read it! I dont really know why that matters but he is kinda a big part in the whole book ;] If that gives you any hints as to where i get my inspiration from well then there ya go!!


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