Chapter 34

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Every morning I woke up and Jesse was working on the new house. After lunch he would go work on his new job. The amount of work he did was crazy, and he always came home exhausted. It made me a little worried, but I knew he wanted to have the new house finished.

I was super excited to finally be starting our family. It felt like it was never going to come. Like we were never going to get out of the trouble we had run into. I was slowly starting to feel the affects of the pregnancy, I was nervous, and excited all at the same time.

One Sunday morning I wake up and Jesse isn't in bed with me, not a surprise. I get up and wander around the house. I gaze out the window and see the progression on our house. Its coming together piece by piece, just like a puzzle. The whole outside was done and there wasn't much left on the interior. I don't see Jesse working but his truck is home. I open the front door as it makes a creaking hiss. The summer morning air hits me, as its a little chilly. I call for Jesse a few times but he does not respond. I feel a tension behind to grow in the pit of my stomach as worry sets in. Maybe it's the reality of everything that has happened to us that I think something has happened. It's also the thought that something bad has happened.

I begin my trek towards the house, and am very nervous as to what I will find. I gently push the front door open. Theres nothing. Nobody inside, I am almost scared to call for Jesse, in fear that there may be somebody else in the house. I start hunting around. I realize how beautiful the house is. All the rooms, I can see all my dreams happening in this house. Jesse, kids, my life, and all the dreams I've been dreaming since I was a little girl. I walk up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms, I run my fingers a long the wall and think about all the things this house will bring. As I glare out the window I see Jesse. He's laying in the grass next to some fence posts. It appears that he has been digging. He's motionless though. Is he hurt? Did something happen? I run as fast as a pregnant girl can down the stairs without falling flat on her face, I fly around the corner of the house.


"Jesse?!" I stand over the top and analyze his body. He's just laying there.

"What are you doing?

"Building a chicken coop. Why? Everything okay?" I laugh. He opens his eyes, finally, and gives me a stupid look.

"I thought something happened to you! And chickens? Jesse what are you going to do with chickens?" He got up and stood in front of me.

"Babe, come on everybody has to have chickens at some point in their life."

"Jesse Micheal Brooke, you are one crazy man. But I love you. So you can get chickens as long as I don't have to take care of them!" He smile went from ear to ear. I laughed at him as he babbled on and on about these chickens. I headed back for the trailer. Jesse worked on the new house all day. I watched him work. I stared at the stupid chicken coop, why would he want chickens? I didn't know yet, but I was going to find out eventually. I was so happy everything is falling together again. In a few weeks it will be perfect, because our baby will be here, Jesse will have our house done, and life will be perfect.

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