Chapter 4

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After the decoration's were all up, Josh and Jesse went off and did whatever. I don't really know what they were doing. It didn't matter though it gave me and Taylor time to talk about Jesse. So Taylor and I walked over to a table and sat down.
"Carly! You know you like Jesse!" She screamed.
"No! Taylor I don't need a boyfriend!" I yelled back. Giving her a weird glare.
"Carls he's a country boy just like you wanted. And you can't tell me he's not hot!" She said back.
"Tay I'll see if he's not interested if he's not then that's just how it will be!" I said getting up as I seen the boys coming back. Taylor and I got up and we walked over towards them coming. We met in the middle and stopped right in front of them. "Alright everything's done, were waiting on the fun and more people." Josh said. We giggled.
"Oh hey somebody's here." Jesse said walking over to the silver pickup. Josh followed right behind him. A guy got out and, him and Jesse did the whole guy thing and shake hands and guy hug. The girl walks over and I realized it was Bailey. One of me and Taylor's good friends. We talked, as more people showed up, and soon the sun started going down. One of those other boys walks over and turns on the radio. Josh and Jesse both go over to a large pile of wood. Jesse grabs a match and strikes it. A small fire burns on the end of the match. He then tosses it onto the pile of wood. The flames just engulfed the pile of wood. I just watched Jesse. Josh and him just stood there and looked powerful. The flames were maybe six feet tall. So for a while we sat around the fire. Some sat in chairs, on the ground, while others, Jesse sat on the tailgate of pickups.
A little bit later a slow song came on the radio. Josh got up from the tailgate he and Jesse were sitting on. He grabbed Taylor by the hand and pulled her up next to the fire. I looked at them two dancing. I looked over at Jesse. He was just sitting there. Not doing anything. I put my head down. I just couldn't help but think about Jesse. I really wanted him to at least talk to me. I knew that true love only existed between people like Taylor and Josh. I put my head head up and there
Jesse was standing in front of me.

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I know the chapters are short but I don't like em long because then the books to hard to read. So that's the way it is.

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