Chapter 23

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The phone calls didn't stop. They were getting weirder too. The man knew stuff, secrets. Stuff that only certain people knew, but the mans voice became more familiar too. I had made a list of people who could possibly know the stuff that he told me about and crossed off people as I ruled them out. I didn't tell Jesse that the phone calls came more frequently. Derby car season was just around the corner and he was so focused on that, that I didn't want him to worry about me.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered to the restricted number again. I knew deep down, shoved way in the back of my brain that I shouldn't answer, but that one little part of me said 'you have to know.'
"Carly I know that you know where Taylor is, so why don't you just tell me?" I listened close and tried to memorize the voice.
"I don't know what your talking about!"
"I know she's with Josh, are you hiding her in the shack behind your house?" Tay and I built the shack when we were like 13. It was small but it was enough to fit both of us sleeping in the floor. Nobody else knew about it just us.
"H-how do you know about that?" I stumbles as I tried to process what he just said. "click!" Gone. I went to the list of names I made as I tried to figure out who this mysterious person was. I picked up the pen and was about to cross of the names when, ding dong! The doorbell chimed. I looked out my bedroom window and saw Jesse's truck. I ran downstairs and flung the front door open. Before I knew it he had my hand and was dragging me up and into my room. He jumped on my bed and left me standing there laughing at him.
"Oh Carls! I'm so tired I'm gonna take a nap!" I giggled and Jesse rolled up in my big pink comforter, and then proceeded to fake snore.
"Carly! I'm so cold! Come warm me up!" He opened his arms and I crawled in.
"There's my girl." He said as he wrapped the blanket around me.
"How's your demo car going?" I asked.
"It's gettin there, you gonna come help me work in the shop one day?" I nodded to his question and we just laid there.
"Have you eaten yet? I'll make you something?" He asked as he got up.
"I'd like that." I smiled as I got up too.
Jesse looks at my desk and grabs the list.

"What's this?" He asked I could tell he was worried, I don't know if it was worry for me or for what the names on the list meant.
"It's nothing." I told him as I tried to grab the list, but he pulled it away.
"Carly are you still getting those phone calls?" He questioned as we went down stairs.
"Jesse it's fine! I'm just trying to figure out who it is!" I was pretty much yelling at him now.
"Carly your going to get yourself hurt!" He yelled back.
"Can we just forget about it!" That was it, the end of the conversation. Jesse made me breakfast and we acted like it never happened.

After I ate Jesse left to go work on his demo car. I was home alone again. I took a shower and got dressed. I decided I was going to go outside and get get the mail. I opened the door and stepped out into the warm, welcoming sun. I was halfway down the driveway when I noticed the black car. I kept walking down the driveway to the mail box. The car looked really sketchy, and by that I mean scary. I tried to see who was driving but couldn't tell. I was almost back to the house when a man got out of the car.
"Hello, can I ask you some questions?" I stopped dead in my tracks. That voice.

That was the voice that keeps calling. I didn't know what to do, I turned around to find somebody I thought I recognized.
"Ummm sure, but it has to be quick."
Then he came over with a piece of paper.
"Ok, what's your name?"
"Carly." That was all I said, probably too much information already.
"Ok my name is Dave. I was wondering if you have seen this girl." I took the paper and looked at his face. So familiar it was crazy! The girl was Taylor. There was no information no name just a picture.
"She went missing and any information would be greatly appreciated." He told me.
"I'm sorry haven't seen her. Um, how do you know her?" I asked I had to know.
"I'm doing this for a friend."
"Ok, what's your name again?" I asked after he finished.
"Dave." Was all he said.
"Dave what?" I asked again.
"Just Dave." The tall, hairy, bearded man got back in his car and drove off. I watched him drive until he vanished into the trees. The familiarness in that man puzzled me. I recognized him but couldn't get a grasp on where I knew him from.

A few days later Jesse and I were in his shop working in the demo car.
"Can you hand me the wrench?" I handed the wrench to him underneath the car.
"Jesse can I paint your car?"
"I don't care, but your not gonna make it all girly." I laughed and Jesse pulled himself up from underneath the car.
"Do you wanna go paint it right now?"
"I don't care." I said back.
"Let's go to town and get paint then." We hopped in Jesse's truck and drove to Walmart.

Small town U.S.A. That's where we live, so going into Walmart your bound to see somebody that you know. We walked into Wally World and headed to the paint section. On our way there we run into Wyatt and Cole. Those two boys are like two peas in pod. Jesse used to be in really good with that group but he sorda faded out when they got in some major trouble.
"Hey!" Cole said.
"What's up?" Wyatt asked. We kept walking towards the paint.
"Ahh just picking up some paint." Jesse replied.
"Paint for what?" Wyatt asked.
"My derby car. She wants to paint it." He gave me a little smirk and I giggled back. Jesse and Wyatt talked.
"You think your gonna paint Jesse's car, don't ya?" He said lightly punching my shoulder. I kinda panicked, realizing that he was actually talking to me so I just nodded in response. He laughed.
"How's that derby car coming?" Cole asked Jesse.
"Ehh it's coming. Gotta about a month before the derby and it got some more welding to do."
"Haul it on up to Elmer, you can use my welder. We can do it tonight if you want to?" Cole said. Jesse asked if I wanted to and I told him I didn't mind. While we were leaving Walmart, I saw Dave. The guy that came looking for Taylor. I watched him and all he did was act like a normal person, but I didn't care I wanted to know who he was.

We went back to Jesse's and got the demo car. We drove it to Elmer. Elmer is a small town of like 25. It's one of those towns where you blink and you miss it. We sat in the Wyatt's ship and Jesse welded the demo car. I even got put to work on a small project. I got to decorate the helmet. I was kinda excited, but I was a little worried. I kept thinking about Dave. Was that even his real name. Probably not. I kept thinking about it and I knew that Jesse had picked up on it.

"Are you okay?" Jesse asked while we drove him in the dark just me and him.
"Jesse something happened today." I said putting my head on his shoulder.
"What's wrong baby?" Jesse of his arm around me and rubbed my arm with his thumb.
"Jesse somebody came by the house today." He just nodded letting me know that he was listening.
"He said his name was Dave and he was looking for Tay. He had a flyer with her picture. I saw him in Walmart today too."
"Baby do you think it's the guy that was calling you?" Jesse was stilling rubbing my arm.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"I don't know, I thought maybe it would stop but it didn't." I was worried now and I knew Jesse could hear it in my voice.
"Baby listen, whoever it is will stop eventually. Josh is taking care of Taylor and those two are fine." Jesse kissed my forehead then drove me home.

We went in and said hi to my mom. Jesse and I kissed goodnight.
"Baby, if that guy ever comes you call me okay?" I nodded back. We stood there facing each other, while Jesse held both my hands lightly in his.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled slightly while he kissed my forehead. He left and I went up to bed.

Laying in bed, I just wanted Jesse. I missed him and I thought about Josh and Taylor. Jesse was gonna take care of me and I just wanted to lay next to him all night. I checked my phone one last time.
'Hey baby, I haut wanted to let you know how much you mean to me. I'm glad I have you and I won't let anything happen to you. I will love you as much as the stars in the sky. Goodnight Carls, Love you.' I smiled and went to sleep.

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