Chapter 36

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Every day we moved things into the new house until our small trailer was empty. The new house was finished. All of our things were here. It was amazing. I woke up every morning with Jesse. As for our baby, well it was a new adventure. I am due in a few weeks. The nursery was painted and everything was organized. All the baby clothes were folded neatly, the blankets laid in the crib just waiting to be used.

I woke up one Saturday morning to no Jesse. I had started to panic less and less when this happened. I went downstairs and looked out the window. His truck is gone. I make myself some breakfast then eat and watch TV. I get about half way through my movie, and just to the good part too, when I can hear his truck rumbling down the driveway. I didn't get up or anything. I listen a little closer when I here the footsteps outside the front door. I can't hear some muffled talking when I realize that Jesse isn't alone. I quickly take off and change clothes. I'm already dressed when Jesse yells for me. I come down the stairs to greet a dirty Jesse and some other guys. I smile, give him a kiss and invite them in.

"Aw babe, were just going to go out to the garage and work on some wheelers." I smiled.

"Alright then I am just gonna finish my movie." I smiled and fell back down onto my pile of blankets on the couch, while Jesse herded all the boys out the front door. I laid down and finished watching my movie then surfed threw Netflix to find a new one. I wasn't feeling to goo and really just felt like laying there. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep.

I have no idea how long I was sleeping. It must have been a while because when I wok up all Jesse's friends were gone. I stood up and learned that I really didn't feel good.  I tried to go back to bed, thinking maybe it would go away, it didn't. I went upstairs and took a shower. I ate after that and cleaned around the new house unpacking the last of our things. I went to the store and got some groceries. I had what felt like cramps all day but I shook them off. When the night rolled around I went to bed at the same time I always do. Jesse came and went to bed. I couldn't sleep.

"Carls,  are you okay?" Jesse asked me.

"I don't know." I tried to sleep because I was so tired.

At around midnight I knew that I was finally going to meet my baby. Jesse packed some things in the are and drove me to the hospital.  I started freaking out just  like I always do. Asking stupid questions and just being terrified. Of course like always Jesse kept calm and everything worked out. 

We got admitted and everything started happening so fast. Before we knew it Jesse and I got to meet our baby.

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