Chapter 33

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I woke up laying in my bed. I was facing the opposite way of Jesse. I rolled over to see if he was awake, but he wasn't there at all. I crawaled unwillingly out of the big comfy bed. I walked out into the tiny kitchen to see what Jesse was doing. He wasn't there. I wandered around the house a little bit more and confirmed that he wasn't even inside. I drew back the long curtain that hung in front of the huge window in the living room. There was a big blue four door truck outside. Jesse's truck and the trailer were both missing. I went into the kitchen and made breakfast. A simple bowl of cereal was all I had. I called Taylor to see what she was up to.

"Hey! What are you up to?" I questioned hoping she could come over and help with decorations for the new house.

"Not much, Josh took off to help Jesse."

"You wanna come over and help me with some stuff for the new house?" I asked.

"Sure! I'll have Josh pick me up."

I put on some decent clothes and cleaned up the trailer a little bit. Soon enough I herd a roaring truck coming down the drive way. Taylor came into the house and the boys and gotton lumber for the new house.

"So hows the house coming?" She asked as we sat on the couch. It was nice to just talk again, like old times.

"Jesse has been so busy with it. He's really excited about it though. I think he's finally happy to have something to call ours." I smiled looking out the big window at him working.

"I bet, you guys deserve it though. It's gonna be a big house!" She laughed.

"Tay theres something I want you to do with me." She looked at me a little confuesd. "I need you to come with me to the hospital." She looked fairley worried. All of me was scared too, that's why I had to finally tell someone.

"What's wrong Carls, are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine, don't worry. Taylor, I think I might be pregnant." I barely said it. I almost whispered it. I was hesistant and nervous. I was most fearful of telling Jesse.

"Carly, does Jesse know?" I shook my head in response.

"I don't want to tell him till I know for sure." We lied made up an excuse to go into town. We drove to the clinic, Taylor pulles into the parking lot, she begun digging through her purse for something. I just sat there. I was a nervous wreck. The butterflys in my stomach made me want to throw up, my heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest. I didn't want to go in. Why I was so scared to find this out or not i don't know. for some reason though, I didn't want to know the answer. Maybe it was because we hadn't planned this, or because I was young, maybe because I didn't want to lose anybody, maybe I just wasn't ready for this.

"You ready?" Tay asked. I faked a smile and opened my door. My knees were weak, but I walked. I checked in at the front desk, and was know waiting in the waiting room. I was just thinking.

"Carly!" I got up and followed the lady back. In less then a half hour I had completed all the tests and were waiting for a simple result. I got in the car and smiled. I watched the trees go by, the birds in the sky, the horses behind the fence, and all I could think about was the next nine monthes. In nine mothes I would be a mom, Jesse would be a father, we would be a family. I was actually safe enough to have my own family.

I just wanted to run straight to Jesse, and jump in his arms and tell him the news. I wanted to surprise him too. I wanted to do it in a cute creative way. I sat down with Taylor and she said she would help me with a scavenger hunt.

I began writing out all of the clues and the little things he would love. I remembered all the fun things we did. His first clue would be in the first place he would go, the new house. I took his tools and rearranged them. I then left him a letter. It read.

'Jesse, I thought you might like a little brake from your work. Here's a little game we can play. You first clue is to go to the place where we first met! XOXO ~Carly ;)'

I went to my phone and found a picture of Jesse and I in my kitchen, the place where we had a flour fight. I copied the picture and cut it into puzzle pieces. I scrambled it up and left it, attached to a balloon, by the bonfire pit where we first met at Josh's party. At my house I put his third clue on a sticky note and burried it in the bag of flour. 'Make a mess!' The bag of flour's clue read this;

"You have always been my superhero, so go to the place where you defeated the bad guy!"

I drove to the place where Jesse and Josh won. Where we beat Taylor's dad, where everything finally ended. Once he got there he would find a cape and a super hero shirt. His next clue told him this.

"Now you even look like a hero! So go rescue the girl who's trapped in a new house! Hurry she has important information for you!"

What he would find would change everything. I was so nervous. I had a sign that read, 'help! I'm having a baby!' I was up in the rafters of the new house. Taylor and I had put fake paper flames coming out of the boards. I sat up there with the sign. I made Josh go with Jesse because I wanted pictures of him and different things like that. Pretty soon I herd the truck coming up the driveway. I was so nervous and I was shaking. Who new how he was going to react. Taylor would be filming this one. The truck door flew open and he came running up towards me. I laughed he looked silly in the super hero costume. He stood down on the ground beneath me.

"I will save you if you tell me the news!" I held up the sign. My heart felt like it was going to fall all rhe way down to the ground. Jesse smiled, his mouth opened up a little. He looked at me then looked around then back at me. I smiled at him. I began climbing down. Even though my feet were on the ground, I was so nervous I thought I was walking on the moon. My stomach had some major butterflies, I even was shaking from all the nerves.

"Are you serious?" His eye were fixed on me, I didn't really know what to say or do at that given moment. I thought he was mad. For a split second everypart of my body, from my tip toes all the way to the top of my head, thought he was upset. He said it again.

"Are you serious?" I nodded slowly. Then from out of nowhere, the corners of his shocked grin turned into a smile. He pulled me in for a hug. I smiled too.

"Lets go inside!" All four of us went into the trailer. Jesse had his arm around me all the way back.

Later that night I laid in bed and waited for him to come. Soon his tired body came through the door, he worked all day after I told him on the house.

"Hey babe. I just want you to know that I'm going to have 'our' house done to bring our baby home too. I promise." I don't know if he knew I was awake or not, or if he was just making promises to himself. I didn't move though. He rolled over closer to me and drifted to sleep.

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