Chapter 27

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Nobody came. No doctors came, nobody brought flowers, nobody said sorry. Yet there I was, full fear and hope all at the same time. I still didn't know if Jesse was even alive. He had to be, I couldn't lose him. For a while all I could do was sit and cry, then some people came. I thought I should probably stop then. They sat in the waiting room with me, I just wanted them to leave. Then they left and they didn't come back. A nurse came in, she had long blonde hair tied back in a pony. I saw her then thought, nope she's not here for me. She looked at me real funny, then I realized I was the only one in the room.

"You can see him now." She said calmly. I slowly got up and followed her down to the room, that was just like all the rest of them. She motioned toward the door and then kept walking on down to help her other patients. I stood in the doorway knowing that Jesse was just through that door. Finaly I opened the door, and just as I thought, there he was. He wasnt the same Jesse, he had a lot of tubes running in and out doing many things. One of which was keeping him alive. I tried not to, I really did, but the tears began to fall. His face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he looked pretty much lifeless. I finally walked over and stood right next to the bed.

"Jesse, come back, I need you. Please, I cant do this on my own!" I tried to scream, I tried to yell, but the words just werent there. I sucked it up, I sat in the chair right next to his bed. I was so scared, I held his hand. I talked to him just hoping he would wake up, just hoping he would say something back. He didnt. I watched the machine next to him. The lines went up and down, the little pump went up and down, and so did his chest. He was alive but not by much. 

"How is he?" A male voice said. I thought it was Josh but it didnt sound like him. I turned around and it was a police. I studied his face trying to recognize him. He was there when Jesse got shot, he was the one that talked to me.

"He's alive." I said.

"I just thought I'd come and see how you were doing." He said standing behind me looking at Jesse.

"Im okay. Listen Jesse and I are.-" I spoke wipeing the tears from my eyes.

"No, i know that you love him. Thats not why I'm here. I'm here because I just wanted you to know that Im here if you need me." He patted my back and I told him thanks for all that he's done, and he left.

A few weeks went by and Jesse hadnt moved. They hadnt taken him off the ventilators or anything. Waiting that was all I could do. I just wanted to give him some madicine wake him up and bring him home. No, thats not it. We have to wait. I don't know what for. We could be waiting for him to wake up, or waiting for him to die. I was just waiting for anything, something at all. One day it happened.  I was dowstairs getting cofee at starbucks. I spent sometime looking at the gift shop today, I was in no hurry to go anywhere. I looked at all the get well cards, just wishing that Jesse could read them. I looked at all the 'congrats on your new baby!' ballons. Hoping one day Jesse and I could have a normal life. I am going back up to Jesse's room, I get around the corner and see that there's a lot of people rushing in and out of Jesse's room. I ran there to go see what was going on. I got to the door and was trying to see, Jesse was  laying there, lifeless. The doctors and nurses were running around doing all kinds stuff, I was confused I didnt know what was going on. A nurse came and grabbed me.

"Youll have to wait in the waiting room. He will be okay." I sat in the waiting room and cried. I wanted to know what was going on. Josh and Taylor came, I didnt talk but Taylor held me. Finally a nurse came and told me that I could go in and see him. I ran down the hall as fast as I could, I pushed open the door and there was Jesse still laying there. This time though something was different. There wasn't any tubes, not the bigs ones anyways. The machine that kept him alive was gone. Is he dead? 

"Is he alive?" I screamed at Josh when he finaly came in.

"He's fine, he's getting better, he doesnt need them anymore. He can breathe on his own." I looked at them in disbelief. He was getting better. I grabbed his hand and just sat there with him. I couldnt find the words to say. Josh and Taylor left because they didn't want to get caught. Jesse was getting better I was gonna be okay, he was gonna come home.

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