Chapter 2:

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Gabriella's POV*

I woke up feeling pain rush through my whole body.

I then remembered i had to go to school today.

"Uhh.. I hate school." i said out loud.

I got out of my bed and headed for my bathroom. I entered my bathroom and immediatley noticed the bruises and deep cuts. I also noticed my swolen face and that my eye was purple.

I wouldn't be able to go to school like this. I mean i could go but would i really want people questioning this . Not really.

I closed the door and took a quick shower.

After my shower i decided to climb out of my window. Not knowing the reasons why.

I walked and walked.

I ended up at a big white house. I examined the house. Nothing seemed familiar. I finally came to the conclusion that i was probably lost.

I didn't panic. It wasn't going to take long before i started panicking.

I walked up to the front door of the white house.

I knocked not knowing why i did.

To my surprise Brody was inside of that house.

I peaked inside and saw a girl on a bed. Probably Brody's girl friend. To the thought of what they could've been doing before i knocked gave me the shivers .

"What the hell are you doing here Gabriella?" Brody asked mad.

"I don't know i just got away from home." i said.

"Well get the fuck away." Brody yelled.

He slammed the door on my face.

My appearance here was probably going to get me a bonus later. He was definetley going to hit me more tonight.

I walked away just thinking of all the pain that i would feel later on.

I walked to school deciding i should go. Halfway there i turned back remembering i hadn't put make up on my bruises.

I went back home. I climbed through my window. I didn't know how i managed to do that since i was on the second floor.

The one thing i noticed when i got back in my room was a picture.

I walked up to it and picked it up.

It was a picture of me and Zoey. We were smiling.

I turned it over. It just said the date on it.

The great memories that i held on to started coming back filling me with happiness.

Unfortunatley that would vanish when Brody Zoey and Dad got home.

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