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I dragged my feet across the stone floor, longing for comfort from my second favourite thing in the world. My bed. The first being, you guessed it, Draco. My favourite thing, once again not here with me.

As I walked past the stairs that lead down to the dungeons, I suddenly felt uneasy. Almost as if I was being watched. However, I brushed it off and continued walking. All I needed was sleep at that moment.

The corridors were beginning to become pretty much desolate. I began to feel ill at ease. There were no people to bee seen, no sounds to be heard. Other than the clopping of my feet on the ground and the sound of my heart instinctively beating faster and faster by the second. This felt different to all of the other times that I had been out at night. It felt more sketchy giving me the need to be more wary.

I walked past Snape's Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. I stopped and turned as I heard whispering. I cautiously approached the half open door. I leaned against the wall as I listened into the conversation.

"You've caused more trouble for the girl and yourself now! Do you understand what might happen if the dark lord were to find out?" A voice whispered. At the mention of the dark lord, my ears perked up slightly. "I didn't ask for any of this! I need to protec-" The conversation came to a halt. I waited impatiently for it to carry on. Then, footsteps came closer and closer to the door. My heart began to beat rapidly. My body wouldn't move, I froze. If this person works for the dark lord then I'm screwed. I'm going to die. The door swung open, revealing a dark figure in a Slytherin cloak. I didn't dare to move. The figure sighed and took down the hood on their cloak. The hood revealed a set of blinding blonde locks. I immediately knew who it was and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "What are you doing here? It's not safe at night you know tha-"

"Who are you talking to?" I cut Malfoy off and got straight to the point. His eyes switched between me and the inside of the room. He was probably looking at the person he was conversing with for reassurance. He sighed "Look, we need to talk," He took my hand "Come in." He said pulling me gently into the class room.

The jet black hair and long black cloak I knew oh so well stood before me. "Miss Duncan." Snape greeted me with his monotone voice. "J-Jocelyn. We've been discussing what is best for you right now." Malfoy said looking into my eyes sorrowfully. "What?" I asked bewilderedly. "I know Miss Duncan. I know that you know everything. Mr Malfoy has told me everything." Snape said. My eyes widened as I looked over at Malfoy. "I must say Miss Duncan, if you tell anyone anything, then it won't be just you two who suffer. It'll be your families too. The dark lord shows no mercy." My eyes began to water. "W-What are we going to do? I want to help with whatever you need to do." I said to the pair. "I don't know. Honestly? I think we should just leave everything as it is. It's been working so far." Draco said shrugging. "Let me just highlight the words 'so far'. No offence Draco but if you've accidently slipped up about it to Professor Snape here," I said gesturing to the man beside me. "Who's to say you won't slip up again to someone who'll snitch." I said, my eyes flicking between the two. Malfoy face palmed. "I do have something in mind." Snape said once again in his boring yet scary voice. We both looked to the man for his idea. "I have to say Miss Duncan, you will not like it."

"Surely it won't be that bad." I shrugged it off. "No Miss Duncan, I am being genuine. You must discard all signs of weakness and become a follower of the dark lord." My heart stopped. What? I can't do that! How will that make me or my family safer? That's just putting us in even more danger! "I am not attempting to disrespect you when I say this, Sir. However, this plan will not work! It'll just put us in even more danger! He will know who I am and who my aunt was. He will kill me!" I chuckled nervously at the last part. "I think she's right, Sir." Malfoy agreed. "No Miss Duncan. You don't know the dark lord like I do. Neither do you Mr Malfoy. The dark lord will take any opportunity to prove the weakness of the opposition. You'll be a saint. The dark lord will sincerely appreciate the change of heart." I thought about what Snape said for a moment. I realised that what he was saying sort of made sense. "Okay I understand. Although this is a big risk for me and my reputation. My family and friends will hate me. And I mean hate me. Oh gosh Seamus." I face palmed as my breathing started to pick up its pace. "I-I might have to sleep on it, Sir. This is ridiculous! I have no clue what to do right now!" I twiddled with my hair nervously. "Ok Miss Duncan I understand. Make your way back to your dorm and meet me and Mr Malfoy back here after breakfast. There we shall decide your fate." And with that, Snape's gown floated behind him as he sped out of the door.

"Want me to walk you to your dorm?" Draco asked. "Um... I-I'm fine. Your dorm is only downstairs anyway, no point in walking me all the way back." I smiled. "You sure?" He asked again. "I'm fine I promise." I said and I kissed him on the cheek and made my way to the door.

I stopped at the threshold of the room and leaned on the door frame. "W-What will happen if I don't become a death eater?" I asked. "Honestly? Not a clue." Draco said approaching me. "You don't have to go through with this you know? This is my fault. I should have to deal with the consequences." He said, causing me to sigh. "Please don't make me walk away in a strop again." I huffed. He looked to the ground and said nothing. "Goodnight." I said pushing myself up off of the wall. "Night." He smiled.

I then left with the thought of death eaters on my mind. Do I or don't I?


hi :) I dunno whether or not I should make Jocelyn a death eater... I want to spice up the story but I don't want it to annoy anyone I don't know. I'm probably overthinking it ;) also, I'd like to do a Q&A or something so you guys can get to know me more but then again like 3 people read this story consistently so... anyway comment and vote as always xoxox

laterz x

𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖘𝖊 𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora