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I sprinted through the gates of Hogwarts, desperate to find Draco and just give him a hug. We both needed it. I went to Professor McGonagall's room as that's where he had his detention. However, I soon realised that there was no way of me getting in there without already having a detention. I stood outside and contemplated on whether or not I should just barge in. But then my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open and then slamming shut. I whipped my head round to be met the mesmerizing, blue eyes that belong to none other than Draco Malfoy. Neither of us thought, we just engulfed each other in a tight hug. "I did it." Was all he said. "I know." I replied, ready for his questions and knowing I'd have to explain what happened to Katie Bell. He gave me a confused look and I sighed. "I saw her." I said looking him in the eyes. "W-What do you mean?" His eyes scanned my face for an explanation. "A-At Hogsmeade. She walked past me and sh-she touched it. She flew up into the air and dropped back onto the floor." His eyes widened. "I-Is she d-dead?" His concern and the look of worry in his eyes made my heart break for him. "Honestly? I-I'm not sure." I'd rather give it to him straight at a time like this. He face palmed and looked down to the ground. "C-Come on. Lets go to our room." I said, hoping he would understand what I meant by 'our room'. He nodded and with that we hurried off.

The trip to the room of requirement was silent. We realised that we need to watch what we're saying and where. We could be caught at any moment.

We arrived and went to our usual spot. And there, on the spot, as if planned, we both just broke down, holding each other for comfort. "I don't want this life. I want to be someone else. I hate myself!" He sobbed into my shoulder. His words broke me even more. "Shhh. Look at me. Draco? Look at me?" I tilted his chin up from my shoulder and forced him to look at me, our eyes locking. "Please don't be like this. It's not your fault! Don't blame yourself for what you're doing. You are doing it to save me, to save us. You see, without you, I'd just be that simple Gryffindor girl again. I prefer my life now, I prefer my life with you. I-I-I think I love you Draco Malfoy." My hand rested on his cheek. I then realised that I dropped 'the L bomb'. I waited silently for a response. My eyes searching his for a glimpse of feeling from him. "I-I..." He hesitated and I immediately regretted what I said. Why would an amazing person like Draco Malfoy love a person like me? He sighed "Ditto." He winked and smirked.

"This isn't the end you know? This is going to continue until one of us is dead. Me or him." His voice made me jump. We had been sat in silence, him holding me by the waste and my head snuggled into the crook of his neck."I know." I said confidently. I knew what was going to come next but I wasn't prepared to hear it. "You shouldn't be here. You should be with all of your friends and family, having a good life. Not stuck here with me! I can't watch you throw your life away for me." My eyes started to water. "No, Draco! If I wanted anything different don't you think I'd be doing it right now? God Malfoy! Did you not hear what I said to you only an hour ago? I love you! You keep pushing me away so I might as well leave! Come find me when you're willing to be reasonable." At that point I stood up and marched out of the room of requirement, Malfoy shouting at me from behind.

I went to the great hall for dinner so nothing looked suspicious. I wiped away my tears and burst through the doors, my head held high. I sat down in my usual space, Seamus and Ron either side of me. "Jocelyn! Where did you go? Are you ok?" Ron began interrogating me but I shut him down as quick as possible. "I'm fine I was just in shock that's all." I said avoiding eye contact and tucking in to my food. "Oh ok then." Ron said turning back to Harry.

"So, Finnigan. What did you do today? Where did you go?" I tried to get my mind off of everything but of course, some how it manages to squeeze back into my thoughts. Seamus began answering my question but I was more focused on the conversation beside me. "How do you know it was him? It could have been anyone, Harry. Malfoy was in detention all day anyway how could he have done it?" Hermione, Ron and Harry were whispering, obviously trying not to let me hear. That plan had failed. My heart began to race, my eyes water. As soon as they tell anyone, it's over. "W-Would you excuse me a moment." I said getting up out of my seat and racing to the girls' toilets.

I forced the nearest stall door open and I fell to my knees, my dinner making its come back. Once I got it all out of my system, I sat back leaning by body against the wall and running my hand through my hair. Maybe he was right. I can't handle all of this! I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind and stood up, making my way to my dormitory to sleep everything off.

But as usual, things didn't go to plan.


hi :/ not feeling this story whatsoever anymore...

I really want to write a riverdale imagines book or a jughead book idk I don't know if anyone would read it...

do you guys still want me to carry on with this story? I seriously feel like my writing would improve on another story

give feedback and vote xoxo

laterz x

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