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I woke up to the sound of my snow owl fluttering around in its cage. I rolled over to check the time on my wrist watch that was placed on my bedside cabinet. 8:00. Just enough time to get ready. My trunk was already packed with all the necessities I needed for school.

I hopped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to have a shower. I took off my clothes and took my long, blonde, curly hair out of its pony tail. I turned the shower on and stepped in. I like to have my showers cold in the morning so I turn the dial almost all the way down. The cold water runs down my back and I shiver slightly but then my body gets use to it and I'm fine.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed. Then my mother shouts from downstairs "Jocelyn, breakfast!" So I put my wand in my pocket and head downstairs.

I open the kitchen door and the scent of burnt toast fills my lungs. I sit down at the table with my mother and father "Good morning," I say to them both "I'm guessing it's Dad's burnt toast for breakfast?" I add. This causes a chuckle to come from my mother and a glare from my father's eyes that are peering over his newspaper. I sat down with a smirk on my face. I began to eat my burnt toast.

"Are you excited about going back to school?" My mother asked. "I guess so, I mean I get to see Seamus again which is awesome."
"Ok good just make sure you stay safe, death eaters have been causing a lot of trouble at the moment." She points to the front of the newspaper my dad is reading. The Daily Prophet. In big, bold writing, it says 'death eater terror continues'. My face drops. They had collapsed a bridge in London. "Um I-I-I'll be ok mum don't worry," I tried reassuring my mother. I could tell it wasn't convincing by the look of concern on her face. " Its almost 10:00, you better go and get your trunk and Cassius down from your room." My father said after taking a sip of his tea. Cassius was my snow owl. I nodded and headed up to my room.

I grabbed my things and one at a time I took them down the stairs, trying not to fall.


We arrived at Kings Cross station at 10:40. 20 minutes until the train left the station. 20 minutes to find my best friend.

I kissed my mother and father on the cheek and gave them both big hugs. "Stay safe." My father said. I nodded and began to run towards the famous brick wall that lead to platform 9 3/4, pushing my things in front of me. I closed my eyes out of habit as I went through. When I opened them again, there lied the Hogwarts Express.

The first thing I did was push my luggage towards a worker who was loading on everyone's luggage. Then I stepped onto the train and headed towards mine and Seamus's usual carriage.

It was 10:50 now and I was walking down the corridor, dodging other people now and then. I arrived at the carriage and to my surprise, Seamus was on time, in our carriage. Only, he wasn't alone. Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were there too. Which didn't bother me of course.

I slid open the doors which caught everyone's attention. They all looked up at me and gave me a great, big smile. Seamus, being the absolute plonker he is, stood up so quickly that he smacked his head on the shelf above him. I chucked and ran over to him. He hugged me with one hand around my waist and the other rubbing the top of his head.

Everyone greeted me with a hug and a comment like "I missed you" or "I'm sorry I forgot to owl you". I didn't mind. I was just happy to be with my best friend again.

I sat down in between Seamus and Ron and we all began talking about our summer.


It was about half way through the journey to Hogwarts when the trolley witch stopped at our carriage. "Anything from the trolley my dears?" Ron being Ron was the first one, up and ready. "A packet of Drooble's please." Ron grinned at the lady. I stood up with my money "A liquorice wand ple-"
"Pumpkin pastie," I looked over to whoever interpreted me, ready to shout at them for being so rude to me and the trolley witch. When I looked up, my hazel eyes met a pair of glistening blue ones. Draco Malfoy. "What are you staring at, Duncan," I rolled my eyes "Where is my pumpkin pastie?"
"Maybe if you asked politely then-"
"Ugh don't try and talk to me!" Malfoy scoffed at this point Ron and Seamus had stood up and are obviously trying to intimidating him into backing down but it wasn't working in any shape or form. "Don't talk to her like that you git!" Ron scowled. The lady handed over Malfoy's pumpkin pastie and he snatched it away from her and handed over the money "You don't scare me weasel-bee." He collected his change and walked away. I sighed and sat back down. "Thank you both but I can handle myself and especially when it comes to someone like Draco Malfoy." I chuckled when I said his name. All he was, was and arrogant, little boy.

"I need some air" Harry stated. It was strange because he had been quite quiet for the whole of the trip. Then, he stood up and left. We didn't see him for the rest of the journey.


hiya ;) I hope I haven't rushed into it all too quickly :) comment and vote </3

laterz 💛💛💛

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