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My heart was beating rapidly as I sprinted through the corridors. I started to slow down as I realised, I'm probably overthinking it.

I turned right and there they were. The person I had been following. They looked rather odd as the were pacing in front of a large wall.

I decided, enough hiding. "Hello?" I spoke to this person that I didn't even know who they were or even if they were a student. The person whipped their head around to face me. Then the moonlight shone on their hair and face. I then recognised who it was from their shining blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. It was Malfoy. "Oh, it's just you." I said, sounding rather disappointed. "What are you doing out this late Duncan? Shouldn't you be up in the Gryffindor common room, snuggling with your boyfriend Finnigan?" Malfoy asked in a rather mocking tone. "He's not my boyfriend, and even if he was, what's that got to do with you?"
"Watch your mouth Duncan."
"Or what? You're going to get your minions on me? Pathetic."
"J-just go."
"Why? What are you hiding?"
"N-nothing." At that point I was more curious than angry. What was he hiding? And as if the castle was listening to my thoughts, the wall began to merge into a door. "What's that then?" My eyes flicked between the door and Malfoy's nervous face. He huffed. "Look Duncan, if I tell you something, you can't tell anyone! You hear me? You cannot tell a single soul. Or you'll have worse than me to deal with!" Malfoy sounded very serious and frustrated so I went along with it. "I swear." I said holding my hand to my heart. He huffed, once again. "Ok follow me." So I did. I followed Malfoy into the unknown.

I walked into the room and all that I could say to describe it was that it was full of junk. Malfoy was walking and me trailing shortly behind. I wasn't paying much attention to where he was taking me, I was just focused on examining the piles of unwanted things. I continued walking when I bumped into something. I looked up and realised it was only Malfoy. He had stopped in front of a large sort of wardrobe. "This is it." He sighed. "What is it?" I asked. "It's a long story, you might want to sit down." We sat down on the sofa behind us in unison. "Um, how do I put this?" He asked himself. "Well... um I-I'm..." Malfoy stuttered. "Well... come on, spit it out." I giggled. Malfoy sighed for what must have been the 50th time that night. "I'm... a death eater." My eyes widened and I swear I felt my heart stop for a moment. I started backing up trying to get as far away from him as I could yet trying to be as subtle as I could. "P-please Jocelyn, let me explain." He noticed I was trying to get away from him. But then I reregistered what he said. He actually called me Jocelyn. I stopped moving and looked at him with a puzzled look on my face. "Y-you called me Jocelyn?" I stated even though it sounded more like a question. "What? Are you serious? I tell you I'm a death eater and that's the first thing you say to me?" He chuckled slightly. "Well it's kind of strange you know. You saying my actual name." I sniggered. "Are you going to let me explain myself or do you want to discuss the fact that I called you by your first name?"
"Ok yeah sorry carry on."
"I can't believe I'm trusting you with this. Right, so... It all sort of happened after my 16th birthday. As you probably already know, both my parents are death eaters. They've always had the thought of me becoming one too in mind. I knew they wanted this too but I had just pushed it to the back of my mind. I was raised to idolise the dark lord and hope for his resurrection so that we could have a second chance at world domination. I didn't really understand it all until now. Then, one night my parents invited the dark lord over to the manor. Then it all just happened I guess. I had to do it or he would have killed me." My face was concerned. I didn't know what to say. So I just said "Wow... um... D-Draco, I don't know what to say." I laughed nervously. "Don't, don't say anything. I'm just glad I got to get that off of my chest."
"Glad I could help I guess."
"W-Wait, did you call me Draco?" He sniggered. "Oh shut it Malfoy." I punched him in the arm playfully. "It's getting rather late, I should head back." I said standing up. "Uh yeah sure um. Do you want me to take you since I'm a prefect?" This is the nicest Malfoy had ever been to me. Well, I guess he had to be since he had no choice but to tell me his biggest secret. I was surprised about how much faith and trust he was putting in me. "Yeah sure if you don't mind." I shrugged and we began walking back together.

The awkward silence while walking back was deafening. I couldn't stay silent anymore so I just thought of the first thing that came to my mind. "Not being rude or anything, but why are you being nice to me? You're a Slytherin, I'm a Gryffindor?" I questioned. I twiddled my thumbs as I scuffed my shoes on the hard, cold, stone floor. "Well I can't risk you telling anyone my secret so I guess I'll just try to be as nice as I can." Malfoy looked at me with a cheesy grin, knowing that that comment would annoy me.

We arrived at the Fat Lady and I got ready to say my goodbyes to Malfoy. "Lumos." I whispered and the end of my wand lit up the Fat Lady's face. "Well, I guess th-" I was interrupted to a rather loud gasp. I turned around to see the Fat Lady's eyes were flicking between me and Malfoy. "It is past curfew young lady, you better hurry and and get in that common room. You too young m-" she looked Malfoy up and down. "A Gryffindor and a Slytherin? Friends? Well that's the first I've heard of it. Especially with what you're aunt did." The Fat Lady giggled to herself. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Malfoy. "I'll see you tomorrow in Potions I guess." I said, my wand illuminating mine and Malfoy's faces. "Yeah see you tomorrow." He smiled and starting walking away.

I whispered the password to the Fat Lady and she let me through. I entered the common room and saw someone sitting down on the sofa in front of the fire. I thought it was strange since it had been quite late and everyone was asleep. The door shut behind me and the person sitting on the sofa's face turned towards me. Seamus. "Where the bloody hell have you been?" He asked as he shot up from his seat and darted towards me. "Nowhere, just exploring." I said shrugging my shoulders as I walked past him and towards the girls' dormitories. Seamus wasn't far behind me as he said "I was worried about you! I thought something might have happened to you!"
"Sorry mum." I smirked. "Goodnight." I said as I kissed his cheek and went up to bed. Leaving a fuming Seamus Finnigan behind.

hi all :) it's getting spicy am I right? also, today I found someone in my class that liked Harry Potter too and she asked my who my favourite character was so I obviously replied with Draco my baby and she gave me the dirtiest look ever! anyway, hope you enjoyed </3 comment and vote ;)

laterz 💛💛💛

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