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After Malfoy and I had our chat in the room of requirement, we made our way to our first lesson. Which for both of us, was Care of Magical Creatures. Surprisingly, we weren't late. Just on time in fact. Everyone put there bags down and gathered around Hagrid so he could explain what we were doing that day. I stood in between Seamus of course and Hermione.

"Alright everyone? Today we are going to be looking for Red Caps. Anyone know what a Red Cap is?" Hagrid informed the class. As usual, Hermione was the only one with her hand up. "Yes, Hermione." Hagrid nodded. "The Red Cap is a small, dwarf-like creature. It lives where blood has been shed. They can be dangerous since they attack those who have gotten lost however, you can repel them with charms and hexes. The Red Caps are less dangerous in their mating season, as they become more interested in attacking each other than trespassers of their territory." Hermione was the one informing us all now.

The person to my right, Seamus, elbowed my side. "What happened with him then? What did he say?" He whispered in my ear. Ron heard and turned around from in front of me to me as if he was waiting for an answer. "Uh... Just a little bit of a catch up I guess. He needed to get some things off of his chest." I answered. "Oh uh... alright I guess." Seamus and Ron smiled at me. They had a right to be concerned I guess. I mean. I still didn't know what the boundaries between Malfoy and I were. I didn't want what happened last time to happen again. "We need to talk later, just you and me." I whispered. "What about?" His eyes were still facing forward. "Boundaries."

"What boundaries?"

"With me and Malfoy."

"What? Oh um... Ok."

"I just don't want what happened last time to happen again."

"Yeah ok I understand. I don't control you. You can do what you want you know."

"Yeah but I'd rather not lose my best friend over a boy." I winked and carried on listening to Hagrid's explanation of the task.


The school day was almost finished. All that I had left was Potions. I wasn't as nervous as I was at the start of the day since Malfoy and I had talked since then.

I made my way to Potions with Seamus and Dean. "Not going to lie, Slughorn bores me to death. Like he's a nice guy and everything but I can just never seem to pay attention." Dean had been blabbering on about Potions and how it was different with Snape. "Don't get me wrong, I hate Snape. I just think I could pay attention better in his classes than Slughorn's." We swung the doors of the class room open and it turns out that we were a bit late. "That's your fault." I whispered to Dean and slapped him on the arm playfully. "Any reason you're so late, Mr. Finnigan?" Slughorn asked. "Uhh Dean was banging on." Seamus said pointing his finger at Dean. Dean shook his head and sat down next to Seamus. I made my way to my seat. "Well Mr. Thomas, that happens at your break and lunch time. Not between lessons."

I sat down at my desk and was met by a rather frustrated looking Ron Weasley. "Alright Ron?" I whispered. "Uh... Yeah I-I'll explain later." He turned back round to face Slughorn. I was surprised that Malfoy hadn't tried talking to me yet.

We must have come into class after Slughorn's explanation because as soon as I got comfy, everyone got up to go and get their ingredients. I huffed and my whole table turned to look at me. "I'll get them don't worry." Ron smiled. "Thank you." I smiled back.

I rested my head on the table and waited for Ron to come back. I think the change in my sleeping pattern was tiring me out. "Should've went to sleep earlier." I looked up to Malfoy's smug expression. "Shut it Malfoy or I'll Avada Kedavra your arse." I was joking obviously but then I realised what I said and immediately regretted it. That was the unforgivable curse that had killed my aunt. I didn't let it effect me to much though. "You wouldn't have the guts Duncan." Malfoy smirked at me. "True." I giggled. Ron came back to the table with our things. "What are we even making? I wasn't here for the explanation." I asked Ron. "Baruffio's Brain Elixir." Ron and Malfoy said in unison. It kind of spooked me out to be honest. It made it kind of awkward I guess. "Uh... Ok. That wasn't scary at all..." I hesitated. I saw Ron and Malfoy make brief eye contact but they just carried on doing what they were doing. "Oh and when I was getting the ingredients, Seamus told me to tell you to meet him at the astronomy tower at 10. He said it's about earlier." Ron did quotation marks with his fingers over the word earlier. "Ohhhh ok. I understand." I said and turned back around to carry on with my potion. I saw Malfoy staring at me out of the corner of my eye so I looked up. His face looked disappointed. I raised one eyebrow in a questioning way. "I wanted to talk to you." He mouthed to me. I rolled my eyes and he shook his head then continued working. "I can never bloody win can I?" I said under my breath. "What?" Ron must have heard me mumbling. "Nothing. I'll explain later." I repeated his own words back to him.

Most of the rest of the lesson was quiet on my table except from the odd comment between me and Ron or Malfoy and Zabini. The lesson ended and I needed to get everything off of my chest and I'm sure Ron did to so I asked "Walk to the common room with me or something? I need to get some things off of my chest." I packed everything up. "Yes. Of course. I need to talk about somethings too." And with that we left. As I opened the doors Malfoy barged past me and headed towards the room of requirement. "What a bloody git. Don't understand why you would like him like at all." Ron scowled at his back. "You know what, me neither sometimes." I shook my head and continued walking.

We reached the common room and I collapsed onto the sofa and groaned. "Alright. tell me then." Ron said sitting next to my limp body. I sat up to face him. "Ok. I don't understand anything about boys." I sighed. "I think I could help with that. I mean I am a boy myself." Ron said putting his hand on his chest. "Ok whatever you say..." I giggled. "Shut it and explain." He giggled. "Basically, I'm trying to make enough time for Malfoy and Seamus and I just can't seem to please either of them. Like when you told me tat Seamus wanted to meet me today, Malfoy just stared at me with the most disappointed look I've ever seen. It's frustrating. I don't really want to loose either of them but every time I'm with the other one, I get a load of crap!" I explained twiddling my thumbs. "Honestly, I have no clue how to help you there. They're both stubborn. It's their fault not yours." Ron shrugged. "Thanks I guess. Now you."

"Ok. Bloody Lavender won't leave me alone! I've been trying to avoid her all day but it's merely impossible! She's everywhere. All she wants from me is to snog me every five minutes. She's an animal!"

"She's love sick, Ron. You just have to be honest with her. Tell her."

"I-I'll try. What if she cries? I won't be able to handle that amount of guilt!"

"You're too nice Ronald." I said squeezing his cheeks like a granny. He let off a fake smile. "Thank you for listening to my boring story." I smiled at him. "It wasn't boring." Ron smiled back. "Ron loves a good bit of gossip don't you?" I heard to voices say in together from around the corner. I sighed as I knew who it was. George and Fred stepped out from their hiding place. "How long have you two been there?!" I shouted at them slapping them both on the arm. "Long enough to know that something is going on with you and Malfoy." George said wiggling his eyebrows. "You tell anyone. You will die. Capeesh?" I looked them both in the eyes. "C-C-Capeesh? Who's that?" They both said chuckling. I groaned. "It's a muggle thing, you wouldn't understand." I rolled my eyes. "B-but you're not muggle born?" Fred said tilting his head to one side. "Yeah well... I live in the muggle world ok?" Then, the portrait door swung open and Harry and Hermione walked in. Hermione stopped in her tracks and looked at us all. "This isn't still about saving him a seat is it?" She sighed. "Oh yeah! You owe me a bloody seat you do!" Fred said pointing his finger in my face. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ok sure." I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to get changed, these robes are not comfy." I walked up to the girls' dormitories.


hi :) I think this is the longest chapter I've done so far :D who's your favourite youtuber? remember to comment and vote ;)

laterzzz xoxo

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