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I woke up in a place I didn't seem to recognise. I looked around at the dark room. It was full of junk. Then I remembered where I was. The room of requirement.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked beside me to see a snoring Draco Malfoy. Then, the memories of what happened last night came flooding back. We kissed. I smiled to myself.

I checked my wrist watch to see what time it was. My eyes widened. It was 9:45. We were late for breakfast. Classes started in 15 minutes. I shook Malfoy slightly, whisper shouting his name. "Malfoy... Malfoy!" He groaned and opened his eyes. "What?" He yawned. "Classes start in 15 minutes! We need to leave for breakfast!" I was still whisper shouting, making sure I didn't startle him since he had only just woken up. "Fine!" He moaned and got up off of the sofa.

I then realised that I was still in my pyjamas. I face palmed and it was obviously harder than I expected because Malfoy heard the slapping sound on my head and turned around. "What? What's wrong?" He asked. "Look at me. I'm in my bloody pyjamas! I can't go to breakfast like this!" I gestured to my body. He just giggled. "Well it looks like I'm going to miss out on breakfast then." I sighed rubbing my forehead. "Well, I've got an idea but you're not going to like it." Malfoy smirked. "What?" I asked. Malfoy held is wand up to his Slytherin uniform that he wore the night before. He cleared his throat and said clearly "Geminio." I was confused since I had never heard this spell before. I watched as a duplicate of Malfoy's uniform began to form. "Where did you learn to do that?" I gasped. Malfoy giggled exposing his gorgeous smile. "It's not that hard."

I reluctantly put on the Slytherin uniform. It was sort of big since it was an exact duplicate of Malfoy's but that wasn't what bothered me about it, it was the fact that it was a Slytherin uniform.

We left the room of requirement and the hallways were quiet since everyone was getting their breakfast. "I really don't like this." I say shaking my head while trying to keep up with Malfoy's fast pace walking. "Don't like what?" He asked looking back at me. "This!" I said gesturing to my body like before. "Do you realise what people are going to say about me?" I asked in a frustrated tone. "Who cares what they say? You look good in green." He winked. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

We arrived outside of the main haul. "I'm starving." I said as I opened the doors. "And me." Malfoy said following along behind me. We walked in and arrived at the start of the tables. The Ravenclaw table, Slytherin table, Hufflepuff table and Gryffindor table. "So... um," we stood there awkwardly. "See you later?" Malfoy said. "Um yeah, sure. Bye." We waved at each other and made our way to our tables.

There was a space between Ron and Seamus. I was guessing that they saved it for me so I went and sat there. I felt everyone's eyes travelling up and down my body. They were looking at my uniform. "Where the hell have you been!" Seamus whisper shouted. He didn't even give me a chance to speak when he said "You've been missing all night Jocelyn! And what the hell are you wearing!" That was a question but it sounded more like a command. "Calm down Dad!" I chuckled. "This isn't funny Jocelyn! This is serious! You go missing all night and then turn up in the morning along with Draco Malfoy! Oh and also, you're wearing a bloody Slytherin uniform! What are you playing at?" He was still whisper shouting. "I-I can't tell you but please just trust me, I'm fine." I say, looking deep into his eyes. "What? W-Why? We tell each other everything. Yo-You're my best friend. Oh. Oh is that it? You're all buddy-buddy with Draco Malfoy aren't you? You don't need me anymore!" At this point he wasn't even whisper shouting. He was actually shouting at me. I was scared. Scared of losing my best friend over a silly little thing like this. Was it silly though? "You've changed. I mean look at you! You're wearing a Slytherin uniform for God's sake! You know what? You are just like him!" Seamus slammed his hands down on the tables, pushing himself up to stand up. He began to walk away. "Seamus! Seamus don't be like this please! Please come back!" I shouted at his back. He didn't even turn around. He didn't look back.


I didn't go to any of my classes for the whole day. I just stayed in my dorm. On my bed. And I cried. It was 4:45 and I had no more tears left to cry. This is probably this longest time I had spent not talking to Seamus in Hogwarts. We talked all day, everyday. Nothing ever got between us. But now, something had. And it was the thing that I wanted to work out the most. Me and Draco.

I decided to get up and actually do something. I had changed from out of my Slytherin uniform to into my Gryffindor one. I then walked downstairs, making my way to the common room, immediately regretting my decision. What if Seamus is there? What if he shouts at me again? Do the other guys hate me? Will they shout at me too? As you can tell, I did not like it when people shouted at me. I was defenceless in this argument. For once, I was in the wrong. At least I think so anyway.

I entered the common room and no one was there. Except for one red haired boy sat near the fire. Ronald. I sighed and sat at the sofa opposite him. "Jocelyn." Ron smiled at me. "Hi Ron." I gave him a fake smile. "Don't do that." He said sounding very serious. "Do what?" I asked. I was afraid Ron was going to shout at me, just like Seamus had previously. "Give me that fake smile. Don't pretend you're ok when I know you're not." Ron sat forward on the chair and looked me directly in the eyes. What he said had hit me. It hit me hard. Right in my chest because I knew he was right. "I'm sorry." I say looking down. Avoiding eye contact. "You don't have to be sorry, it's ok? If I'm honest with you, I think Seamus was bang out of order. He completely over reacted."
"No. No he didn't. I was out of order. We tell each other everything. I shouldn't have let Draco Malfoy get between us like that."
"Not trying to offend you or anything but Malfoy is a git."
"I know." I face palmed. "I completely understand. But you don't know him like I do. No one knows him like I do." I wasn't afraid now. I made complete eye contact. "No one knows Seamus like you do." Ron made a good point. I leaned back in my chair. "Talk to him. Please. Seeing you two apart makes me nervous. I don't like it." Ron giggled. "He doesn't want to talk to me. Thanks for the advice though." I said standing up to walk away. "Wait Jocelyn-" Ron was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Both of our heads flipped round to see who it was. It was Seamus. My heart stopped. He looked up to Ron and then to me. We made eye contact for a few seconds. I could see the hurt in his eyes. He looked to the ground and walked to the boys' dormitory stairs. "Come on Seamus don't be like that." Ron sighed. Seamus just ignored him and continued on. Every step he took made my heart break a little.

hiya :) kind of a sad one I know :( remember to comment and vote, it really helps me stay motivated! thanks xoxo

laterz 💛💛💛💛

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