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I woke up the next morning remembering the events that took place last night. I looked over to Hermione with a giddy smile on my face. Then something clicked in my head and I began to remember everything with Malfoy. I felt nervous but it didn't show. My face was expressionless. "Morning sleeping beauty." Hermione said. Parvati was already up. We both looked to Hermione in confusion. "Who's that?" Parvati asked. I was a pure blood and so was Parvati. Although I have been living in the muggle world lately, I only picked up on a couple of words and phrases. "Oh um she's a princess in the muggle world." Hermione explained making Parvati giggle. "The Queen named her daughter sleeping beauty how odd." We both giggled. "No." Hermione said dragging out the O. "A fairy tale princess, not a real one!" We all giggled now.

I got ready and went down to the common room. The thought of what Malfoy was doing today was pushed to the back of my mind. "Hello all." I said to the back of everyone's heads. They all turned around an greeted me with a smile or a wave. "Where's Seamus?" I asked no one in particular. "He should be down any minute." Harry said. I nodded and plonked myself down next to him. "So what's your plans for today? Are you going to Hogsmeade?" I asked Harry trying to spark a conversation. Harry and I were close but this year he has been sort of distant from everyone except from Ron and Hermione of course. "Yes I'm going to Hogsmeade but not sure what I'm going to do there." Harry said slowly getting up from his seat. "Excuse me for a minute." He said walking away. I sighed and leaned over to Neville who was sat on the other side of Harry. "Was it something I said?" I asked helplessly. "He seemed deep in thought. Well he's been deep in thought since the year started." Neville shrugged. "Best not to disturb him then." I shrugged leaning back on the sofa. "Who's ready to go to Hogsmeade?!" I heard an Irish accent shout down the top of the boys' dormitory stairs. "Everyone except from you obviously!" I shouted back up making everyone giggle. "Alright, alright. Everyone settle down I'm ready!" Seamus said skipping down the stairs.


We arrived at Hogsmeade and we all split up. Seamus and some of the others wanted to go to Zonko's Joke Shop so they did, leaving behind Ron, Hermione, Harry and I. The bitter, cold wind surrounded us while we trudged through the snow. "For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it and you have no desire to find out who The Half Blood Prince is?" Hermione said walking beside Harry and I. I wasn't paying that much attention to what they were saying. I was too busy wondering what Draco was doing at that minute and who he had used the Imperius curse on. I was daydreaming sort of but my head flicked up when I heard a deep voice shout from near the trees. "Hey, you four!" The one and only Hagrid emerged from the trees, beard crusted in white. In his hand, he held a pulsating burlap bag. "What've you got there, Hagrid?" Hermione asked. I lost concentration again and zoned out, thinking about Malfoy. Is he ok? Has he done it? Is Dumbledore dead? What will happen if he gets caught? Will he go to Azkaban? No. He can't. He's too young. He's just a boy. Thoughts raced through my mind. I was unable to control it, making me on the verge of tears. "You're rather quiet aren't you Miss Duncan?" Hagrid said bringing my attention away from my Malfoy thoughts. "Uh yeah sorry. J-Just thinking I guess." I hesitated and smiled weakly at him.


We had just finished up in the Three Broomsticks and we were once again trudging along in the snow outside. Ron, Harry and I were all in a line while Hermione was frolicking along in the snow in front of us. We then noticed Leanne and Katie rush past us. "Katie. You don't know what it could be!" Leanne says sounding rather frustrated. I thought nothing of it and carried on walking with the boys. Hermione stepped back and put her arms around the boys. I felt out of place sort of but it didn't really matter I guess.

I looked forward through the snow to suddenly see Katie rise six feet into the air. Her hair danced violently in the wind, her face eerily placid. I tried to asses what was happening but then an abrupt shriek came from Katie's floating body. She then drops to the snow covered ground, her head twitching slightly. At that moment, Hagrid's large figure emerges "Get back! All of you!" He warns us. He then takes Katie Bell's limp body in his arms. "Don't go touching that but by the wrappings. Understand?" He says indicating to whatever it was on the floor that had made this happen to Katie. My pulse and breathing rate picked up even more when I saw a blue necklace poking out of the wrapping. It was the cursed opal necklace that Malfoy was meant to use to kill Dumbledore. I couldn't handle it anymore so I ran in the other direction balling. I didn't care what anyone else thought, I needed to see Malfoy.


hi :) I know what you're thinking 'another short one omg' and I'm sorry but I needed to leave it on a bit of a cliff hanger for you guys ;) what's your new years resolution? I'm starting a new Leonardo DiCaprio story soon so make sure to stay tuned ;) comment and vote :)

laterz xoxox

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