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I woke up the next morning to the sound of Hermione Granger huffing and rustling around in her trunk. I sat up, looking a mess. "Morning," Hermione whispered. I smiled back. "Sorry if I woke you. I can't find my charms book anywhere. I'm just preparing and setting things up you know?" I got out of bed and stretched. I nodded towards the foot of her bed where her charms book is very obviously put with all of her other books. She followed my gaze and then had a sigh of relief. "Jocelyn, you're a life saver." She puts her hand to her heart. I just chuckle, still half asleep.

Once I'm ready, I head down to the common room. There I find Ron and Hermione arguing as usual and Harry just sat giggling. I shake my head chuckling and head down to the great hall for breakfast.

I make it to the great hall fairly quickly and there isn't a lot of people there, just a few Gryffindors, about 15 Ravenclaws, 13 Hufflepuffs and 11 Slytherins. I must have been early. I went and sat with some of the other Gryffindors.

As time went by, more and more people came flooding in and before I knew it, the whole of the Gryffindor table was filled.

We all received our time tables for the year. Everyone was comparing with each other to see if they had any classes together. I had Charms with Ron and Harry, Potions with Ron, Harry, Seamus, Dean and Hermione, Transfigurations with Seamus and Dean. I didn't have time to compare the rest of my lessons because it was time to make our way to our first lesson which for me was Potions.

This year, Professor Slughorn was teaching potions. I arrived to the class and we all stood against the wall whilst Slughorn sorted out our seats. The class was a mixture of Gryffindors and Slytherins. This wasn't going to work out very well.

Harry and Hermione were put at a table with Pansy Parkinson and Vincent Crabbe. Then, Seamus and Dean were put with Millicent Bulstrode and Marcus Flint. The rest of the class were put into there places until there was the last 4. I looked around to see only me, Ron, Zabini and Malfoy were left. I let out a loud groan, not caring about the backlash.

We all sat down and Slughorn started explaining something about expectations. I wasn't focusing. I just zoned out.

About 5 minutes later everyone began to stand up. Scraping their stools on the floor in the process. It caught my attention so I snapped back to reality and just copied what everyone else was doing. I followed Ron to the middle of the classroom "what's happening?" I whispered to Ron. Ron opened his mouth to say something when he was interrupted by someone passing by "should have been paying attention Duncan." Malfoy. He smirked and carried on walking. I rolled my eyes. But then I confused myself when I remembered when he was nice to me yesterday. Guess it was too good to be true.

Slughorn was asking questions about the potions in front of us. Of course Hermione was the only one answering them. "That one there is Veritaserum. And that would be Polyjuice Potion. And that is Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world." To be honest, she explained the potions better than Slughorn would have. "It's rumoured to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them. For example, I smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and spearmint toothpaste..." Hermione blushes and takes a step back.

For the rest of the lesson, we were all making the Living Death potion. No one seemed to be doing very well.

I was just about to add the juice from the 12 Sopophorous beans I had just managed to cut when I hear a loud groan coming from beside me. "Why isn't it going the right colour?" Ron sighed. I looked at Ron's set up to see 10 Sopophorous beans instead of 12. "Ronald," I chuckled. "The instructions say 12 Sopophorous beans not 10." Ron face palms. "Nice one Weasel-bee." Malfoy sniggers from across the table. I glare at him. "Don't look at me like that Duncan." Malfoy said with a look of disgust on his pathetic little face. "What has happened? You were nice to me yesterday but now you've just gone back to being the rude git you are." I spat. "Well... I-I... I don't recall." Before I could defend myself, it was the end of the lesson and Malfoy picked up his bag and left without even putting away his things. I turned to Ron who just rolled his eyes.


It was nearing curfew and Seamus and I were sat under a tree together. We weren't talking, just enjoying each other's presence. "I think we should start heading back." He said. I could just about make out his facial features since it was getting dark. "No! I want to stay out for longer!" I object. "Well if you want to get a detention, that's fine by me. But just know, I won't be joining you." Seamus said standing up. He brushed himself down and then offered me a hand getting up.

We made it back into the castle and began walking up the stairs. There was no one else around since there was only a few minutes left until curfew. All at once, I saw a shadow dash past a corner and heard the sound of shuffling of feet. I looked over to the corner curiously. Seamus didn't hear it because he carried on walking. For some reason, my mind was telling me to investigate. "I'll um... I'll catch up with you in a minute." I told Seamus. And before he had the chance to reply, I had started fast walking towards that corner, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I walked through the corridors silently, following the sound of shoes clopping on the stone floor. But then, the sound had stopped and I came to a point in the corridor where you couldn't just follow it anymore, there was a left and there was a right. I was facing the left when I saw someone out of the corner of my eye coming the way I had just come. So I began running, not wanting to be caught by a teacher or worse, found by a trespasser.

hiya ;) kind of proud of this chapter seeing as it's longer than what I've done so far :) I might not update as much as I have been lately as I have school and won't have a lot of time to write :/ but I'll try as hard as I can to post at least once a day :) remember to comment and vote </3

laterz 💛💛💛

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