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It was nearing 8:00 and I was once again, pooping my pants. I was scared that I would say something wrong and mess up Seamus and I's whole friendship. After sitting on my bed and after over thinking for a while, I got up and made my way down to the common room. I was greeted by a great bug smile from Ron. "He told me." Ron grinned. "Who? Who told you what?" I was genuinely concerned. What if Malfoy had told Ron about our kiss? "Seamus of course. He told me that you two are meeting at the astronomy tower at 8. I thought I'd wish you luck. Not like you need it though. He has missed you just as much as you've missed him, trust me." I let out a sigh of relief then registered what he had said. I smiled at the fact that he didn't hate me, he actually missed me.

I walked out of the common room at 7:55. It just about gave me enough time to get to the astronomy tower and not seem strangely eager. I walked at a fast pace so that the chances of me being caught weren't very likely. It wasn't past curfew and I wasn't worried about teachers seeing me. I was worried about Malfoy seeing me. I had rejected his invite to the room of requirement to go see Seamus instead. He could still be in there. Or worse, roaming the halls.

My thoughts made me walk quicker. I need to get to Seamus. Fast. I reached the stairs that lead up to the astronomy tower and gave a long sigh of relief. I trudged up the stairs and I was slightly out of breath from walking so fast. I reached the top step and it creaked, grabbing the attention of Seamus's dark figure looking out onto the school grounds. The figure stepped forward and gave me a cheeky grin. I smiled back "Hi." I said with a small and awkward wave. I then realised that this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. "Alright." Seamus nodded to me. The word alright is commonly used as a question, you know? Like 'alright, mate?'. But not when you speak to Seamus. It was more of a greeting. Oh, and his Irish accent made it ten times better.

"I need to explain a lot to you." I chuckled nervously. "Me too," He must have been just as nervous as I was because he did that exact same chuckle. "You first." He smiled. I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Um ok well, first off, anyone have any questions?" I said jokingly looking around the empty room and gesturing to the room with my hands. Seamus chuckled. I really had missed him. I pace palmed at my bad joke. "No but seriously, I bet you have thousands of questions that I am now willing to answer." I said looking him in the eyes and leaning or the wall next to me. "Uhhh Ok. I'll just jump straight into it. What's going on with you and Malfoy then?" He asked. I was thankful that we got to get that one out of the way first. "Well, that night that I went 'exploring' I bumped into Malfoy and he told me some stuff about his parents, you know they're death eaters right? Well everyone does I guess. Ok sorry I'm waffling." I giggled the last part. "No it's ok carry on." He said sounding genuinely interested in what I was saying. "Ok. That night, I saw a side to Malfoy that I have never seen. Or anyone for that matter! I saw who he really was and learnt that his big ego was all an act. I kept sneaking out to see him and one night..." I paused because I didn't know if I was really ready to say out loud what happened that night. "One night what?" He was getting impatient now, I could tell. "W-we kissed..." I couldn't make eye contact with him. I was almost... ashamed. "W-what? You're telling me that that git was your first kiss?"

"I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it. We don't even know each other that well. Well actually we do. But that's beside the point. I shouldn't have given my first kiss to someone who didn't deserve it. He treats my friends like crap and I mean crap. I'm sorry Seamus I really am." He sighed and face palmed. "No, Jocelyn. It's ok. He is obviously not as bad as everyone thinks. I-I just... I know you're sensible and can take care of yourself but I just don't want you getting hurt is all."

"I've missed you so much." I didn't care at this point. I attacked him with a tight squeeze rather than a hug. "Me too mate, me too." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head. "So... should we head back to the common room?" He said into my hair. "Oh yeah sure." I smiled. It wasn't like he could see it but this was the happiest I had been in a while.


hi :) they made uppppp! I know this chapter isn't a lot but it's Christmas day and I didn't think that it needed anything else to be honest. I'm going to start doing a question at the end of every chapter so since today is christmas, what did you get? I wrote this whole chapter on my new laptop heheheh ;)

 I'm going to start doing a question at the end of every chapter so since today is christmas, what did you get? I wrote this whole chapter on my new laptop heheheh ;)

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remember to comment and vote as it keeps me motivated </3

laterzzz 💛💛💛

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