undecipherable feelings

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when roman, logan, and virgil arrived home, the first thing that greeted them at the door was the nice smell of food and a package.

virgil and roman were the first to go inside the house, both seemingly enthusiastic to eat whatever nice food that was served at the dining room. logan, left outside, picked up the package and took it inside the house, more interested in it.

once he sat down on the couch in the living room, logan examined the package and found a note attached to the side with it's letters being stickers and not hand-written. it read:

'to: logan wood

from: cc'

logan gave the note a puzzled expression.


who could that possibly be?

the intellect tried to decipher as to what the initials meant and who could have sent the package.

after failing to reach a conclusion, logan simply removed the wrappings of the package, revealing what was in the box

in the box was a book entitled 'the murder of roger ackroyd', a unicorn onesie, and a rubix cube. along those items was a series of notes that was put together using a staple.

first taking notice of the notes, logan took them out of the box and began reading the first. there were atleast 5 papers, two of them being drawings.

'dear logan,

i know you may be confused as to why you received these gifts,

and well, i just thought that might like them...

i know you've been trying to find the book for some time lately

so i decided to help you find it.

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