He takes a seat at his desk and takes a deep breath before cleaning up his office. This is going to take a while even with the help of Koji, Hitori and Jhala.

/late that night/

Naruto arrives home around one in the morning. Tired is not accurate enough to describe how the Uzumaki feels. It took him close to an hour to drive home because he kept dozing off to sleep. Luckily he made it home unharmed and as soon as he opened the door, a rush of energy came into him. He ran up the stairs to his daughters room wanting to see her.

He opens the door and to his surprise the little girl is asleep but she is not alone. Naruka is snugged up to another person with long beautiful hair who is asleep as well. As Naruto gets closer he recognizes the woman.


/earlier that day/

Hinata had Sakura as a guest in her class because the topic of the day was health. With Sakura being a doctor, Hinata figured shed be the best person to talk to the class AND keep her rebellious son at bay. Sakura was discussing the importance of exercising when out of nowhere the entire room began to violently shake.

In seconds, Yusuke was in his mother's arms and Naruka was in Hinata's. The shaking stops and the two women grab the children to usher them into the hallway and out of the classroom. Another, and even more intense, quake rumbles through the school causing pillars in the gymnasium and auditorium to fall down making both buildings collapse. No one was present which was a relief to all the staff.

Amaru was assisting everyone with gathering the children when she sees Naruka crying. She runs over to the little girl to comfort her and Naruka sees Hinata. She runs to Hinata and unintentionally screams out, "Mommy!!" Hinata leans down and scoops the girl up checking her for injuries before carrying her out to safety while directing the other children.

'Mommy?' Amaru thinks. She pays it no mind considering she could have been hearing things especially because Sakura was here and Yusuke ran to her almost the same time Naruka ran to Hinata. The red head turns her attention to the other children and helps the adults calm the crying children down.

After the earthquake is over, Hiashi chooses several staff members to began calling parents to update them on the status of their children. He calls a few parents himself. He makes one phone call and the person answers almost amused.


"Sakura-san. I'm calling you to let you know that your son is okay and unharmed."


"Yes mam. What is it?"

"I'm literally standing right in front of you."

Hiashi looks up at a facepalming Hinata and a blank face Sakura looking at him.

"Oh. Well, I guess my part is done. Have a good day." He hangs up nonchalantly and calls another parent. Sakura looks over at Hinata who is clearly embarrassed by her fathers actions. Her nephew, Tenji, runs up to her in tears.

"Auntie Nata. I want my mommy and daddy." He says.

Hinata leans down and embraces him while still holding on to Naruka. "It's okay sweetie. Mommy will be here in a few minutes okay?"

Tenji nods still crying and Naruka blurts out, "My mommy's already here." Hinata's eyes open wide and she looks at the girl. Sakura hears this and looks down as if she'd seen a ghost. There is no way in hell that her deceased friend is present. If so, she's about to either haul ass out of this school or have a heart attack.

She then notices Naruka's tight hold on Hinata and puts the puzzle together. She locks eyes with a panicking Hinata and smirks deviously. Hinata sighs and mouths, 'I'll explain later.' to which Sakura nods.

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