Chapter 44

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Kally's P.O.V

"Hey, why don't we go get some ice cream?" Chad suggests to Lauren and me.

"Okay." Is all I manage to say.

I climbed in the passenger seat staring out the window. I can't believe I saw Dylan, and with another woman. They didn't seem to be together since she was very distant and looking at other guys. Then Tommy said some things to Dylan. I wondered what they were because Dylan couldn't keep his eyes off of me; and I couldn't keep mine off of him.

It's been rough not being on good terms with him. Giving him back his spare key made my heart sink to the ground.

After the dance at the school. Chad told Lauren how he feels about me and how I felt about him and she accepted it. She was just a little shock, Chad assumed he and I should give it a try. But after just breaking up with Dylan I couldn't bring my heart to be in a new relationship, especially not with Chad. He accepted that and we're just hanging out talking I guess you can call it that. I haven't gotten physical with him. We haven't kissed since the night at school.

"Hey, we're here Kally." Chad gripped my attention.

"Oh, all right."

We walk out to the ice cream shop. Lauren orders a frosty, Chad vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. I tell him I don't want anything as I find a place for us to sit. While they're waiting for their ice cream I look at my phone. I unlock it and pull up a picture of Dylan and I. A grin creeps up the corner of my lip. I missed him so much.

"You sure you don't want anything?" Chad asked walking over with his giant ice cream cone.

I put my phone facing down then look at him as he sits across from me. "I'm sure."

Chad nods his head, Lauren is playing with the Pac-Man machine while eating her frosty.

"So, I wanted to tell you I landed a role in a new movie. It's a romantic one." Chad mentions licking his ice cream.

"Wow, that's great," I say with no enthusiasm in my voice. There was no point in trying to cheer myself up if I was already down.

"Yeah, so I won't be gone long. I mean Lauren is halfway done with school. Her parents will be home more which she's excited about." He mentions.

All I can do is nod and stare at the napkins between us.

Overall the whole thing with Chad, me, and Dylan... He really was a nice caring guy: Cared for Lauren, practically raised her, he came home away from set many times to make sure Lauren was okay, also to see me...

"Kally? Are you okay?" He asked wiping the corner of his lips with a napkin.

"Oh, yes I'm fine. I guess just a little tired from the festival that's all." I wondered if he even saw Dylan there. What would he have done? I guess I just have to wait and see what happens between Chad and me.

A/N: Remember to vote and comment!

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