Chapter 35

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Kally's P.O.V

The whole thing was a big blur. Jamie's words felt fake. There was no way he was going to get a hold of Dylan. Dylan is a famous actor; he just doesn't hand his number to anyone. Even if Jamie gets a hold of him would Dylan believe him? Would he rush down here asking me if any of it was true?

What Jamie said wasn't true. I hadn't slept with Chad. We were close but I stopped it quick, I just couldn't do that to Dyl. If he's in pain now and if he hears that from Jamie... He'll only lose his shit completely keeping me out of his life forever... The thought of never being in Dylan's life again made my stomach turn, I felt as if I had to vomit.

Although I knew I couldn't because I already used the sick day this week and it's Friday. So I hope the whole thing with Jamie blew over. Better yet I hope he apologizes, and he was damn right not getting an A. He's lucky if I even give him a C.

Today I was going to make the students watch another movie but then I decided I should give them a pop quiz. But then I realized I don't feel like grading them over the weekend since I have that threat from my worst student. The test will only add more fuel to the flames. Instead, I'll just take a movie from a lower grade history teacher.

I wondered if Chad was still in town. Had Jamie talked to him telling him to stay away? I knew it was wrong to want Chad here but I just wondered if he got threatened by him as well. Students walked to their classes as the first bell rung. I spotted Lauren waiting for me along with other students.

"Good Morning class," I smiled opening the door with my key allowing students to walk in. "Lauren stand by for a second," I hinted walking away from the door.

"Yes, Ms. Bakers'? Am I in trouble?" She asked her eyes growing wide.

"No, no!" I let out a dry laugh, "I was just wondering if your uncle is still in town." I asked her bringing my hands together. Suddenly I notice someone staring at me from the corner of their eye... Jamie.

He turns his head back to his locker turning the combination, "The truth will set you FREE." He shouts with a huge grin.

My nose wrinkles up, "Lauren nevermind. Sorry, you can have a seat." I pat her shoulder lightly. I remember I have to go get the film so I walk down the hall. I pass by Jamie, "Little rat." I whisper under my breath.

"What was that?" Jamie asked closing his locker turning to me.

"Oh, nothing. Now just go get to class, Mr. Jaxson, before you're late." I hissed turning my head walking away. He didn't seem to have done anything yet with Dylan which was a good sign. But why was I so worried? Why am I not telling Dylan this and he has to hear it from someone else again? It just makes me feel shallow. He deserves better, furthermore, I don't want him to find out because I'm afraid of losing him.

"Knock, knock." I smile to Mrs. Welch. "Can I borrow a film? Since it's Friday second to last month of school I want the kids to relax." I grinned ear to ear hoping she wouldn't go into much detail and just hand me the movie.

"Oh of course," she handed me three different films. I thanked her then walked off to my classroom. There was no sign of Jamie which was a relief. All I know is Saturday I'll give him the C and I won't have to see him ever again. Next month is the last month of school. These last three months flew by. Dylan has been filming for two months, next will be three if the movie isn't almost finished already. When he does come home he basically is coming home to nothing. He doesn't trust me and he has no reason too.

I walk back into class not realizing how much time I wasted stalling with getting the movies. I brush it off then pick the first one and put it in the DVD slot. As it's loading I sit down waiting for the movie to get to the menu screen. I press play then put the remote down to look over the projects to grade them.

Lauren's was by far the best. It made me sad she was going to have another teacher next year. Along that she is failing math just when there's one month left. I know she'll get back up there soon. She's a very smart girl.

Jamie didn't even do the project at all. I hoped no one especially the Principal would figure out I'm giving him a C without doing anything... I'll get fired in a second. He was ruining my life slowly, and I just wanted it to end. Giving him the C will shut him up because his grade will boost to at least eighty-four.

I just hope he'll leave me alone after that... And Dylan doesn't know a thing.

A/N: Remember to vote and comment!

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