Chapter 32

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Chad's P.O.V

I walk on set with a smug look on my face. I walk tall my shoulders back my confidence raving high. I notice Dylan sitting at the table cracking his knuckles watching my every move. There was no doubt he'd think I didn't try anything with Kally at the party. Dylan wasn't a stupid guy.

Paul walked over to me while I stopped to talk to Evan. He shook my hand then waved Dylan over, I looked over at him. Suddenly, his demeanor changed when I looked at him. I saw the fury in his eyes the anger creeping up his lips. He looked tense as if he had a feeling to punch something or someone.

Suddenly my tone grew louder making sure he'd hear what I had to say as he was walking over. It was hard for me to wipe away my devilish smirk.

"Excellent choice Paul. Pink is a great color on ladies... especially the dark pink. It's a very sexy, elegant color." I paused then shifted my eyes to Dylan as he stood next to Paul. "Don't you think so, Dylan?" I let out a contagious laugh, Evan, Paul laughed with me.

For a minute Dylan's eyes furrowed in confusion till his face relaxed realizing what I'd hint out.

"Wha-" he let out but was cut off by our Producer.

"Okay, Dylan, Chad, enough chit chat let's get filming!" He shouted clapping his hands together walking to the camera crew.

I looked away from Dylan walking to my hairdresser. She fixed my hair to stand up with ten pounds of hair spray. I had habit of keeping my hair down to the point I'd soon have trouble seeing: which hint why she put so much hairspray.

When she finished I walked onto the set where Dylan was sitting in a chair the crew has set up with his elbows on the table his hands together. I cleared my throat standing on the red tape on the ground waiting for my cue to sit in front of Dylan.

Paul put three fingers in the air counting down, "Three, two, one, action!"

"Lucas, brother." I started walking over to sit across from him. "It's been a while. I see you haven't stopped your wild behavior."

He flashed me a smirk sitting back crossing his arms over his chest, "Nope." He said making a popping sound with the "P".

I sighed acknowledging this wasn't going to be an easy conversation, "Well, look where it's got you. You are going to spend three years in prison because you are so reckless."  I managed to say staring him dead in the eye.

"I've got the best lawyer asshole. I won't be going to jail." Lucas said with a smug look.

"It's only a matter of time you see what your actions can lead to... And trust me." I stopped to lean in to make sure he'll hear me clear so he wouldn't get seconds thoughts of thinking he'll win this case. "It... Will... Not... Be pretty." Lucas's smile faded quickly as his shoulders fell. I grabbed my manila folders then left Lucas's side.

"Cut! That was so intense wonderful job Chad!" Paul shouted next to the camera crew. I looked over at them as they were clapping. Funnily, I took a bow. I can see on the corner of my eye Dylan giving me the death stare. What I didn't expect was for him to get out of the seat and walk over to me, although his hands weren't in fists; it still was no doubt he wanted to hit me.

He wiped his nose before talking signifying he was thinking before he spoke, "Hey, I wanted to talk to you. We can talk in my trailer, do you like beer?" He questioned walking past me assuming I'd follow. Which I did.

"Yeah, sure man," I responded following behind him.

Dylan opened his trailer door leaving it open for me. I closed it behind me not caring if he'd wanted it open or closed. I stood leaning against his wall where the windows were. He bent over to his mini-fridge fetching out two beers. Dylan used his can opener then handed me one, we clicked the beers together than drank.

He stood leaning on the table one hand holding the beer the other tapping on it like a pair of drum sticks. "How was your niece Lauren's party? Did she have a fun time?" He asked looking up at me stopping his drum-like fingers.

"Oh, it was great she had a lot of fun. Kids from school came. Lauren was very happy with the outcome." I nodded looking over to him. He nodded in response then looked down. It's taking him a while to say something else. He chews on his lower lip before his mouth opens to speak.

"Earlier... Why did you ask me if pink goes with women?" He asked suddenly looking up at me his eyes meeting mine.

I let out a low chuckle scratching my chin then letting my hand fall to my side. Although I don't take my eyes off Dylan. I shake my head, "It was just a simple question, Dylan. Just wanted to hear another man's opinion about fashion.

Dylan then chuckles and asks me, "Do you want to tell me something I don't YET know?... Because it will be better for you to tell me the truth now." His hostile expression from earlier returns.

I try my best to not answer and simply say, "Not really... Why? Don't you trust your girlfriend?.... She does love you, doesn't she? If there is no trust between a couple then there is no relationship." I finish a smug smile creeping up the corner of my lips.

Dylan is shocked by my answer. I let out a dry laugh. I walk over to the door my hand on the doorknob taking a few minutes before opening it. I turned to Dylan noticing he was in complete shock. This was the perfect time to exit out of his trailer.

"Well, Dylan it's getting pretty late and we had a lot of scenes to shoot for one day. I think we'll call it a night. And think about what I said." After that, I left Dylan's trailer without leaving him the time to say anything to me. I wanted as much fun as I could with this... And I was having a blast.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Remember to vote and comment!!

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