Chapter 22

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Dylan's P.O.V


"You think you'll win this case? You and your shit faced father?" Gary asks pointing to our dad with his briefcase.

I look at our dad and shake my head, turning my head back to Gary I say, "He's both our shit faced father dumb ass." Then light my cigarette. I blow smoke to the side. Wouldn't want to harm Gary's poor little lungs.

Gary looks down with a smirk, "Thought I'd never see you two again. How is it by the way being too stoned to get around anything? Looks like a lot of work since your in court and are going to lose." He looks at our dad then back to me, "I feel bad for you. Prison will do you, good buddy." Gary pats my shoulder. He walks down the stairs of the courthouse.

"Fucking prick," I mumble. I take one more whiff of my cigarette then throw it to the ground.

"Cut! Good work everyone." Paul shouts. "Take a five-minute break then I want everyone back here." He continued then walked off of the set.

After he said that I walked to get some food. My stomach was growling during the whole rehearsal. I hope it didn't pick up in the shot we just did. There were sandwiches which I eat every time, it was kinda getting old. There was nothing else so I walked to find Paul the producer to ask him if he really needs me on set in the next five minutes because on my script it says that I'm not in another scene till Evan and Chad film a scene together.

"Hey, Paul, since I'm not in the next few could I leave set?" I ask hoping he won't ask what I wanna do.

"Yeah, yeah sure just be back before you have to shoot." He said waving me away.

"All right," I give him a thumbs up then walk to my trailer. I pick up my car keys along with my jacket. When I head out I close my trailer door then walk to my car. Maybe I'll go to In-N-out-Burger. I can really use a cheeseburger with fries right about now.

The drive-thru wasn't crowded which is hard to believe. Usually, on weekdays it's more off the hook than the weekends. I pull in the parking lot to eat my food in my car. Too lazy to even go inside the restaurant and to eat it. On top of that Paul wants me back on set.

I pop another fry in my mouth. I sip the soda then take another bite of my burger. This is the best meal I've had today. My phone vibrates and I put my food down wiping my hands together then check out who texted me.

"Hi, Dylan. I miss you, hope you come home soon." Kally texted.

I grin, we haven't talked since yesterday when I had to come here. I'm glad she misses me. It means she still loves me and will never leave me.

"I love you too. I'll be home before you know it." I text her sending her joy to never be sad that I'm away from home.

That's what sucked about long-distance relationships. You miss them too much and it rips a hole in your heart. There wasn't anything more I wanted than to hold Kally against me chest to chest making sure nothing or anyone could ever hurt her.


"That's a wrap everyone for today. Go get some rest." Paul shouts to everyone with a tired voice.

Everyone exits off of the set. The sky got darker without me even realizing it, I'm rubbing my face walking to my trailer with sleep calling my name. Although I wish it was that calling after me.

"Hey, Dylan wait up." A voice I recognize quickly spoke behind me with a sleepy voice.

"Yup?" I question with my eyes half-open.

"I just... Is everything cool between us?" He asks with his hands on his hips, I shake my head in confusion, "I mean you're okay that I'm friends with your girlfriend?" He continued squinting his eyes.

"What? Oh, yeah I'm fine. I trust her," I told him giving him a hint Kally will tell me if he tries anything.

The look on his face showed that he knew what I was picking at, "Okay, well. Glad we're okay dude, have a nice night." He finished walking away before I can even respond. There was something about him that I didn't like I just couldn't put my finger on it. He was up to no good.

My sweats are warm and comfy along with my white T-shirt. I decided to video call Kally on my laptop I brought here. It's late here so it's gotta be late there. I sit up on the bed then press the button to call Kally. It rings and rings, maybe she's asleep or doesn't have her laptop open.

Finally, she answers.

"Hey, there's my beautiful girl," I mumble not being able to hide how tired I am.

"Here I am!" She squeals, "You look so tired." Kally laughs.

"And you look wide awake," I tell her with a grin.

She smiles at me, "How was set?" She asked.

"Well, it was good. But when he said it was a five minute break I went to go get a sandwich which I didn't want a sandwich for the twentieth time."

"So you went out to eat?" She suggested. She knew me too well.

"Yes, I did. I went to In-N-out-Burger. Best choice ever." I mentioned putting my arms behind my head. I look at Kally who probably didn't hear a word I said as she's smiling at her phone laughing quietly. "Uh, Kally? Did you hear me?" I ask with a weary tone in my voice.

"Huh?" She looks up with a smile as her cheeks turn red.

"Who were you texting?" I ask forcing a giggle already afraid that I asked it.

"Oh! My parents' text finally went through because their phone is so old. Anyways I was telling them that I'm ready for them to meet my awesome handsome boyfriend." She smiled her jaw-dropping throwing her arms to her side as "surprise!"

I swallowed hard, I don't think that was the reason but I'm gonna have to save that fight for later, "Wow, you're ready for me to meet your parents?" I asked.

She nods her head, "We've been together for like over six months. It's about time you meet them in person than talking to them over a phone don't you think?"

"Yeah of course, um I get home in two days so. I'm looking forward to it. But I'm really tired so I just wanted to see you so I love you night Kals." I finish. She says she loves me too then I end the call. I have the worst feeling in the bit of my stomach. I felt like to hurl although nothing would come out. This is the worst thing in the world to go through, twice! I told myself I trust her but she has a tendency of not being able to hide her feelings. Maybe I should talk to her ex-boyfriend Tommy. I do have his number. We talk on the low sometimes but I always tell Kally about it. We wanted to cool things down between us, now I go to him for anything. I haven't in a while... But now I have no choice.

A/N: Oohoohoo Tommy and Dylan are friends now? :O hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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