Chapter 15

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Dylan's P.O.V

I open Kally's door as I made a set of keys to her house behind her back when we were on good terms. I have a million words I want to say when they disappear when I see some guy trying to kiss my girl. My fists clench and I rush over to the guy.

"Dylan stop!" I hear Kally shout. I bring the guy up by his shirt and slam him to the wall. "who do you think you are buddy? Kissing another guys girl?"

"Can it Dylan. She's done with you." My heart sinks at the words but it doesn't spite how hard I'm going to punch him. I make my hand into a fist and as I'm about to punch him until my arm is yanked away.

"Stop! Don't hit him!" Kally says pushing me away and guarding the other guy.

I take a few steps back, "Who is he?" I ask pointing to the guy.

"I'm Tommy superstar." He says with an attitude.

My face gets angry and hostile, "Tommy... Tommy-" I say throwing my hands in the air laughing like a crazy person. "I should've known I wasn't- I wasn't good enough for you. I knew you'd go back with him. Do you remember he made you so broken with how he acted with you?"

"Me?" Tommy pushes Kally away lightly to get in my face. "I picked up myself to show her and myself I can be better and I have been better. I have never cheated on Kally when we were together I can't say the same for you."

My fists clench fast and clock Tommy right in the face. Kally gasp loudly then rushes over to help him. His nose starts to bleed. "Dylan! What the hell!" Kally yells with her voice cracking.

"I'm sorry I- I Kally," I say having trouble putting the words together.

"Just go." She says her voice breaking more. She cradles Tommy's head in her arms. I guess he isn't fighting back to show her he's really changed, I wish he would fight to show a person can't change. But maybe he wants her back more than ever now and I just ruined it for myself even more. I walk to the front door and slam it on my way out. Making it to my car I don't know where to go but I left her street. I can go home but it will just bring back memories of our first date together.

Why was he there? Is that how fast she moved on from me? I didn't do anything wrong. Mandy ruined everything I have to get Kally back somehow, I love her too much to let her go completely. I have to show her what Mandy did was all her and not me.


Kally's P.O.V

I can't believe Dylan punched Tommy. I didn't think he was capable of that aggression. When we were together I thought he couldn't hurt anyone he was so sweet and charming. Now he's just a person who's in a bad place, and I don't want to be in a bad place I've got too much I just lost my job school is going great but what if I don't land the teaching job... I can't deal with relationship problems right now.

"How's your nose?" I ask Tommy who's keeping a bag of peas against his nose.

"Well it's not broken, but it's getting there."

I nod my head, "I'm so sorry Tom I didn't know he was-"

"Stop I'm just glad you didn't try to stop him and he hit you by accident because that happens sometimes. I'm just glad you're okay."

I smile then look down on the counter, I couldn't believe how messed up my life was getting every day.

"Can I ask you something?" He questioned with a calm voice.


"Why didn't you stop me when I tried to kiss you?"

I was afraid he was going to ask this, "honestly, I have no idea. I guess I didn't want to make you feel bad if I rejected it I don't know." I stop babbling.

"It's okay if you don't have feelings for me like I still do for you."

There it is he finally admitted it. I feel terrible for not feeling the same way. But a part of me still loves Dylan even though he acted like a wild beast just a couple minutes ago.

"I'm sorry. I- I...."

"You love him don't you?"

I wipe away a tear, "yes."

He looks down smiling. "It's okay. He may have a good reason to clock me in the face because you two are in a fight right now and he didn't want another guy stealing his girl."

"He shouldn't have hit you."

"Okay fair enough, but just talk to him. I can tell you love him deeply, and you don't want to lose that because of one slip up or two or whatever you get what I'm saying." He pauses to breathe, "now call him over or go to his house or track him," he laughs which makes me laugh a little. "Just do whatever, go get him and work it out. You always find a way Kally, always and I'm hoping we can still be friends." He puts the peas down the walks over and kisses my cheek. Tommy walks out of my house and it's just me here.


Tommy was right I could track him on his phone. I walk to this park with a little pond. It's dark out so I brought a coat and a beanie. When I walk past a few people I notice someone sitting on a bench staring up at the moon. When I get closer I notice it's Dylan. I sigh and walk over to him then sit. I don't think he noticed anyone sitting next to him because his eyes haven't moved from the night sky.

"Tell me what really happened," I mumble. He has to know it's me, who else would sit next to him and say those words?

"She had a crazy crush, the movie was canceled after I told the producer Mandy forced kissed me, causing problems between me and the girl I love. So I'm out of a job and out of a girlfriend but I'm glad you are okay with your new/old boyfriend." Dylan mentions looking away from the sky to the ground.

What he just said made me realize I overreacted but the fact that the movie got canceled because Mandy couldn't keep her feelings to herself and now Dylan is out of a job made me feel better but also terrible. I move closer to him and intertwined my fingers with his. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm not dating Tommy. We're just friends, I mean yes he still likes me but he told me it's okay that I don't like him anymore and that I moved on." I stop to see if he has anything to say but he doesn't, "I'm sorry I overreacted and got your movie canceled."

"Wasn't your fault don't say that."

"I'm sorry...." I grab his face to face mine, "I love you... So much. Even though you just punched my ex-boyfriend please don't ever do that again."

He just nods his head. Did he not just hear the fact that I just told him I loved him?

"I just told you that I lov-" Dylan stops me from with I was about to say with a kiss. I missed his lips so much. I'm holding his cheek with one hand and the other over his shoulders holding him tight. He holds my waist pulling me close. I pull away and pull him into a hug. I hold him tight like never before. "God I missed you."

"I missed you." He whispers buried in my neck. "Let's go home."

I nod my head, "let's go to your place where you won't be punching my friends." I joke. He turns to me. "Too soon?" I ask.


A/N: hope you enjoyed this chapter!! :D

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