Chapter 40

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Dylan's P.O.V

I'm back in NY after shooting my last scene yesterday. I was glad to get that movie over with so I don't have to see Chad anymore. Well, who knows if that would be the last of him? His niece probably wants him at that party Wednesday. Today is Tuesday so whatever happens tomorrow happens... I'm done with these games.

I pull in the movie theaters parking lot. Today we're having a private screening for the movie and I invited my parents. I was a little early. I had to get the reek of liquor and cigarettes off of me or I'd never hear the end of it from my dad. I leaned against the wall with my hands in my pockets.

The movie didn't start until twelve pm. And I made it here at ten fifty. There were some people arriving early. I even saw Violet Paul's daughter but Paul held her close. As if I wanted her, I still have eyes for only one person. Although, I didn't invite her.

I looked down at my watch noticing it's almost twelve my parents should be here.

"You coming inside Dyl?" Evan asked before walking through doors.

I turn my head to him, "I'm waiting for my parents." I tell him. He nods his head then walks inside. Soon enough I see them pull up. A huge smile spreads across my face. I don't think I've ever been happier to see my parents. Furthermore, I don't think I've ever smiled lately.

My mom comes around the car and brings me into a hug.

"Hey, mom," I hug her.

My dad stands next to my mom, "Hello, Dylan." He hugs me.

"Hey, Dad." I grin.

I put my hands in my pockets bouncing on the heel of my shoes. My mom starts to look around, I wonder why.

"Honey, where's Kally?" She asks. My heart sinks at her name. I was hoping this wouldn't be brought up.

"Let's go inside shall we?" I change the subject throwing my arm over my mom's shoulder walking into the theater.

My mom dad and I sit in the middle while the movie is playing. I can't help but get flashbacks to when Kally and I were in the same room and she was sitting at the top and I was down below and I couldn't stop myself from turning my head to look at her. Every time I looked at her she would look straight ahead but move her eyes down to me with desire trying to hide her cute smile.

That brought a sly smile to my lips. If we can go back to those days I would in a flash. But couples fight right? Well, cheating is over the limit...

We reached the end of the movie and everyone started to clap. I didn't even realize, the remainder of the time I was in another world thinking of her. She was like my personal brand of heroin. And I was addicted.

"Dylan..." My mom started as we walked out of the theater, "What's wrong? You haven't said a word." She said with her hand on my back. I've tried to dodge that too but I guess I can't.

"Come home Dylan, have dinner with us. And when your ready you can talk to us." My dad gestures walking to the car.

I nod my head walking to their car. I get in the backseat buckling my seatbelt. I took a taxi to the theater. I knew my parents would invite me to dinner. My dad took off backing away from the theater. I stared out of the window my hand holding my chin up. I would never admit it but I was looking forward to seeing Kally, better yet I was ready for what ever she had to say to me after the party.

My parents parked in their driveway and I climbed out of the car. My mom flashed me a smile before walking into the house. I walked in after them looking around, nothing's changed. Everything looks the same.

"Dylan, you mind helping your mom with dinner?" My dad asked turning on the football game.

"Yeah, sure." I tell him then walking over to the kitchen. My mom takes out chicken and bread crumbs. She's about to make her delicious chicken parm.

"Now are you going to tell me why you're so upset?" She asked drying her hands with a cloth.

I look down at the floor, "I don't know where to start," I say in a low tone.

"It's that bad?" She asked pausing before turning on the stove.

I nod my head slowly. I scratch the stumble on my chin shifting my stare from the ground to my mom. "Kally cheated on me with my Co-star. She's been lying to me for a while now I haven't seen her since our argument on Saturday."

My mom looks at me with hurt in her eyes, "Oh honey, I'm so sorry." She walks over to me bringing me in a hug. "Did you break up?" She asked still clinging onto me.

"I don't know, I still love her isn't that horrible?" I questioned with a low chuckle. She pulled away holding me by my shoulders.

"If there's any part of you that thinks there's still a chance with the two of you... I don't think it's such a horrible thing. Although, I'm going to have to talk to her for breaking my son's heart." She pauses holding back a laugh, "But I always thought she was a good girl. She's probably confused give her some time everything always works out in the end." She finishes patting me on the shoulder.

I smile, maybe she's right. Hopefully, there is a chance for us.

A/N; Remember to vote and comment!!

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