Chapter 18

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Kally's P.O.V

"Everyone bring up your notebooks to my desk so I can check yesterday's assignment. While I do that watch this National Geographic documentary called killing Lincoln. If I hear anyone talking I will be deducting five points from your work so I suggest you don't talk." I announce to the class. Seconds later they all bring their notebooks up to my desk as I'm turning the movie on. First period is the easiest class, my fourth not so much and my eighth-period class started to get rowdy.

But for what it's worth I'm liking this teaching job. Also, how the students respect me and aren't mad that they lost their old teacher even though some of them said I care more about them than him so that's a plus.

I start to grade the papers and I don't hear a peep. These students are such good listeners. Lauren had every definition, she was such a good student, she sat at the front and had her eyes on the TV focused. I looked back down then put a 100 on top of her paper then closed her notebook and graded the rest.


"Okay," I say then pause the movie. "Everyone come and find your notebook you all did a wonderful job and have a good weekend," I mention with a smile. The bell rang and they got up to find their notebooks. As I was rewinding the movie for my next class I noticed Lauren still waiting for her notebook. I finished rewinding to the beginning then I paused it and set the remote down. The student that was keeping Lauren from getting her notebook left so now she can get hers.

"Ms. Bakers' that's a good film. I'd love to learn more about it." Lauren mentioned clutching her notebook tight.

"Oh, that's great Lauren," I said with a smile. She smiled back then started to walk out till I stopped her. "Lauren, I wanted to ask you if you think this is a good idea." I started off. She turned her body fully around to face me then nodded her head. "I was thinking I would want to take some of my students to a museum. But since I started working here I don't think the Principal will let me but next year do you think I should do it?" I asked with my hands folded in front of me.

Lauren looked around putting her words together, "Yes, I think that's a terrific idea. Too bad I won't have you next year. I would've loved to go." She mentioned with a pout.

"Aw, sweetie I'm sorry," I stated.

"Hey, maybe I can go with you. If my uncle Chad can take me can we go? I really want to see what museum you were thinking of." She suggested hopping on her tiny feet holding her hands together pleading.

When she mentioned her uncle my eyebrows raised and my eyes widened a bit I don't know why. "Really? You would like that?" I questioned walking over to my desk to sit and open up my laptop.

Lauren walked over to the opposite side of my desk, "Yes, I would love that. And I'm sure my uncle will too. He's coming home at the end of the school day. We can just meet up here." She said with a smile adding a little squeal at the end.

"Oh, okay that sounds nice. I'll be here." I said with a grin.

"Great! See you later Ms. Bakers' you are awesome!" With that Lauren left my classroom. I got up to close the door since it's my break period and the kids are always loud in the halls. I sat back down and pulled up the website of the museum. It opened at eight am and closes at nine pm. Maybe we won't be there that long I am pretty tired and it is the weekend after all.


I get home and change out of my work clothes. I tie my hair in a bun then put on jeans and a button-down shirt and throw on a jacket. I slip on my boots and grab my purse with my phone and keys then head outside.

The drive to the school wasn't that bad. But since it started to drizzle a little it got darker earlier than usual in the springtime. I put my wipers on and eased down on the fast driving. Dylan would always tell me I drive to fast but I just tell him he doesn't drive fast enough.

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