In a few seconds, he replied to me.

That was really fast though.

Val, don't panic but please send me your location. Just turn your location on your phone please. - Joel

Why did he sound like something bad is going to happen to me? Christopher wouldn't hurt me right, I mean he did hurt my feelings, emotionally but he wouldn't hurt me physically right?

I looked at Chris and then I sent my location to Joel.

Chris stopped the car and I looked around the place, it looked pretty old. Dirt covered the whole place and there was a huge building in front of the car with huge gates. "Someone live here?" I murmured, my voice was so small that he couldn't hear me.

"Chris where are we?" I asked him.

He didn't answer instead he pulled my wrist and dragged me inside the abandoned building. It was filled with old and vintage stuff then I saw a punching bag hanging in the middle of the place.

"Here is where I used to lived." He said.

"Really? This is place is..." I didn't finish my sentence because he cut me off with, "It's rubbish really." He said.

I nodded, it wasn't that bad but it needed a little grooming. Perhaps a good interior design can help to make the place look nicer.

"Get the boxing gloves and stand in front of the punching bag." He insisted so I just grabbed it and followed his orders. After that he told me to wear it, I didn't know where this was going but it seemed interesting. Christopher wanted to teach me how to defend myself, basically defensive skills.

"Are you going to teach me how to kick someone's ass?" I asked and he giggled.

He nodded but then shook his head, indecisive much?

"Not really kicking someone's ass, you don't start a fight. I'm here teaching you how to protect yourself if someone is going to hurt you physically so I will teach you some defense skills." He said and I stood in front of the punching bag then he stood at my back.

"Why? For what?" I asked.

He sighed, "Stop asking me questions and just listen to what I want you to do." He said.

I turned around to face him and gave him a sassy look, "Oh so you think you can act like my dad now eh?" I said.

He groaned, God! You're so difficult." He complained.

I shook my head, stubbornly.

I crossed my arm, "You think you can just call me a dumb bitch because I made the dude stop beating your handsome face and then you made me cry for days and then you ignored my messages then you come to my house and take me to this old rusty place and it smells like someone died in here, oh and then you're gonna teach me how to defend myself? Something is up and you're not telling me. If you're not gonna tell me now, I will just book an Uber and leave this place." I said.

He smirked and leaned closer to me, he's taller than me so he had to bent a little to match my height. "So you think I'm handsome?" He raised a brow.

Why was he pretending like nothing happened before?

"Shut up, that's not the point.." I looked away from him, stuttered.

He coughed awkwardly and then he fixed his posture.

"The dude you saw at the bar that day, he is one of the drug lord's man. He is selling drugs at our campus and I happened to be his roommate." He confessed and my jaw dropped.

"What?" I said.

He raised a hand to signal me to stop talking. "Let me fucking explain here, Valerie." He said, sternly.

I zipped my mouth and let him do all the explanation that I needed, "He's a pothead, a fucked up and he slept with different girls. I got sick of random girls knocking at our dorm because they were pissed at him. Oh and his name is Anthony. If you see him, please run away immediately or call me instantly." He said, his eyes were full with concern.

Not going to lie, I was scared because Anthony gave me the creepiest stare ever when I drove away from the bar.

"Okay.." That was all that came out from my mouth.

"I mean it, stay away from him if you see him and also I changed dorms. In case if anything happens, I need you to know how to defend yourself from assholes like him. He is dangerous." He said.

I gulped, that was the reason why he got so mad at me when I saved his life from getting beaten up by Anthony that day. I just dragged myself into this whole mess, way the go Valerie. I was a real hero to dragged myself in a mess that I wasn't supposed to be in.

"I sort of know how to kick a guy at the balls?" I awkwardly said.

He giggled, "Sure you do."

Minutes later, he taught me all kinds of ways to defend myself. I am surprised that he knows how these defense skills, maybe he learned it when he was younger?

I was too weak for his strength, that made me tired as heck when we finally took a rest from the whole training. He gave me a water bottle and I drank it straight away with one gulp because I was so thirsty. My muscles were in pain and sore.

"Why did you got into a fight with him?" I asked.

"We had our own issues, it's nothing important for you to know." He said and I frowned because I wanted to know who started the fight and why. ----

Hours has passed and there was an engine sound coming from outside the building. We both stood up to look from outside the window to check who came. "Joel." I called his name but he couldn't hear my voice because the windows were closed.

"Did you tell him you're here?" Christopher asked and I nodded.

He scoffed then he gave me this look , a look that wanting to throw me away in a lake or something.

He opened the door then he said "hi" to Joel.

"Val, can you give us a minute? We're gonna go outside. We will be back in a minute." Joel said and so I did what I was told.

No matter how many times I tried to stay away from what has made me confused, broke my heart and betrayed me. I just can't seem to walk away from them. I wanted to trust them again and give them a second chance because to be honest they mean the whole world to me.

In other words, I always found myself getting closer to them. I've always care about Joel as a friend and I loved Christopher so much that I wanted to slap myself multiple times when I found out that he didn't have feelings for me but then I was wondering what they were talking about outside of the building, leaving me inside dumbfounded.

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