Paradise (Gray x reader)

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A/N: This has no connection with Every Single Day. I just felt like writing some fluff at 11 pm while waiting for Mystic Messenger to update.

Your P.O.V.

I tugged down the bottom of my (f/c) sweater and turned to Gray, who was sitting on the bed behind me.

"Do you think it's too much?" I asked, examining my outfit in the mirror. A gold chain was wrapped around my neck like a snake, the cool metal like ice against my skin with a pendant hanging on the centre.

"Maybe it is too much? Maybe you should just take it all off," Gray winked, his shaggy black hair hanging over his forehead, almost covering his onyx eyes. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, gently shoving him.

Okay, so it wasn't that gentle. He ended up falling off the bed.

"Seriously, Gray. Lucy's going to announce her engagement to everyone!" I squealed at the thought of my best friend being married to the love of her life, her soulmate Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki. I'm joking. It's Natsu Dragneel. Ichiya's reserved for Erza, if you know what I mean ;).

"What? Lucy's engaged? Is it to flame breath?" Gray asked, confusion darting across his perfect face. I forgot that Lucy hadn't told anyone yet, just me.

"Oops, I ruined the surprise," I smiled, placing a hand over my mouth in fake surprise. I laughed and Gray patted the spot beside him. I sat down next to him and he laid his arm around me.

"I remember when we got engaged. You freaked out screamed 'FUCK HES PROPOSING WHAT DO I DO!'" Gray laughed, running a hand through my hair. He absentmindedly fingered the gold chain on my neck, a present for our engagement 2 years ago.

"That was nothing! You accidentally froze the ring before putting it on my finger! We had to go the bathroom and use the hand dryer to thaw it out," I retorted placing my head on his shoulder. I gripped one of his icy hands with mine, trying to warm it up with my own.

"Well, it's hard to remain cool when I'm looking at such a beautiful woman like you," Gray smiled, fingering the wisps of hair that caressed my cheek.

"Your cool isn't the only thing you can't control around me," I smirked, trying to hide the ruby blush creeping up my cheeks. Gray's own face turned crimson in response to my remark and he buried his face in my hair, hiding every inch.

"Y'know I love you right?" He asked, lifting his face out and locking eyes with my own. My stomach turned to mush and even though I'd been married to Gray for 2 years now, every time I looked at him I was still reminded of the person I was 3 years ago — a young, clueless mage who'd joined Fairy Tail because it was the nearest guild and immediately developed a connection with the mysterious dark haired man who'd first laid eyes on her.

"And you know I love you more, right?" I smiled, leaning forward. His eyes looked so hopeful. I placed a kiss on his cheek, the hope in his eyes crumbling.

"If you loved me you would've kissed me on the lips," Gray pouted, keeping a not-so-discreet gaze on my lips. I let out a small laugh and smiled, not tearing my eyes from his onyx orbs.

"Then I hope this proves that I love you," I smirked. Before he could respond, I pushed my lips against his. There were a thousand words I could've said. A thousand things I could've done. But in that moment, everything I needed to say was passed through that kiss.

Like an undying spark of electricity, our lips crashed against each other, like waves on the ocean. I melted into the kiss, not even thinking. Because what thoughts could compare to the feel of Gray on me.

Even through 2 years of marriage, every ounce of passion since the day we'd met was still there. Nothing had died, it had only blossomed.

When we finally pulled apart, I took a deep breath, keeping my gaze locked with Grays. We had no need to speak, except for 6 little words.

"The party doesn't start till 7."

With that one sentence, Gray pushed me against the wall, crashing his lips against mine in a fury of passion. I placed kisses up and down my neck. I used every bit of self control in me not to just beg him to take me already.

I ran a hand through his silky hair and whispered into his ear, "I love you,"

And so began, 2 hours of fleeting paradise.

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