lEaF sHiNoBi DuMbAsSeS

15 1 0

A/N: Another gc of the Konoho 12 + Sai. (N/n) means 'nickname'. Also, you're dating Sasuke in this cause I need my hubby Sasuke.

(Y/n) has created a group chat
(Y/n) has renamed the group chat "lEaF sHiNoBi DuMbAsSeS"
You: Hey hey hey, bitches
Neji: Back at it again with the potty mouth
Hinata: What is this group chat for?
You: Uhhh
You: Idk
You: A cult?
You: Or just fun?
Sasuke: Do we have time for a cult?
Sasuke: What about our missions
You: Says the one who created a cult for the sole purpose of killing someone
You: Agree to disagree 🤷‍♀️
You: But anyway, don't be such a downer!
Kiba: Yeah, don't ruin our fun
Sasuke: I just think that we have more important things to do
Shino: I think this is an excellent opportunity to get to know the quiet ones
Shino: I'll start
Shino: My favourite colour is turquoise
You: Shino, nobody cares about your life story
You: I'm your friend, but I don't care about the exact time and place of your birth
Kiba: C'mon, (n/n), be a little nicer
You: Me? Nice?
You: Unrealistic
Shikamaru: Sure does sound like (y/n), all right
Sasuke: Only I get to call her (n/n), Kiba
Kiba: What are you gonna do? Fight me?
Sasuke: You bet your ass I will
Sasuke: Don't try and make a move on my girl
You: Sasuke, calm down you asshole
You: Kiba's like a brother to me
Kiba: Ye
You: So calm your possessive ass
Sasuke: Tch
Sasuke: It's just that...
Sasuke: I always see guys hitting on you
Sasuke: And I get jealous
You: Awwww my wittle Sasuky-Wasky is jealous
You: You know I'll only love you
Ino: Can you two stop flirting in a public groupchat?
Sakura: Yeah, you don't have to rub it in our faces that you two are dating
You: Awww Sakura jelly. She wants a boyfriend
You: Naruto's taken by Hinata, so you can have...
You: Drumroll please...
Sakura: Ewwwwwww
Sakura: That's pedophilia
You: Jk jk
Sasuke: Since when are we talking about Oreopedo?
You: Since never
Naruto: Since when are Hinata and I dating?
Hinata: I was going to ask the same thing
You: You're not yet. But you will be...
You: I'll make sure of it...
Hinata: I should probably go...
You: I bet she's gonna faint

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