Opinion on Sonic ships

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Hey everyone! So in this chapter I'm going to give my opinion on some Sonic ships. Truth or Dare will be uploaded soon, I've just been getting busy with school. Sorry!


So, I think y'all already know my opinion on this but I'll repeat it anyway. I LOVE SONAMY SO MUCH! I love their personalities together and the matching colours and UGH I CANT EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM.

Dislikes: Amy's obsession can be taken too far sometimes but overall I still love it
Rating: 999999999999/10


So personally, I haven't read the comics so I don't know much about Sally or her relationship with Sonic, but fro. What I know Sally is very much a Mary Sue. I tend to not like Mary Sue characters so I'm kinda stumped on this one. Plus, who could be better for Sonic than Amy?

Likes: i mean, I don't know much about it so...
Dislikes: Sally is a Mary Sue
Rating: Like a 3????


Another ship I absolutely ADORE! I love them! They're really cute together and their personalities are perfect together.

Likes: They fit together really well and complement each other
Dislikes: The way they met and stuff messes up the time line and that kinda bugs me
Rating: 10/10


I'm kinda neutral on this one. I see hem more as best friends then as a relationship. They've got similar personalities but whenever Rouge flirts with Shadow, he doesn't have much of a reaction or anything.

Likes: If they were together it would be really hot and badass
Dislikes: There really just isn't that much chemistry
Rating: 5/10


Love this ship a lot. The teasing, the flirting. Knuckles has more of a reaction when Rouge flirts with him if you get what I mean.

Likes: The teasing
Dislikes: Idk not much really
Rating: 9/10


Another one of my OTPs. Tails's maturity and Cream bit of childness fits together. When Tails is being too serious, Creams softness will lighten him up and Tails can encourage Cream if she ever doubts herself.

Dislikes: I mean, they're kinda too young to be shipped
Rating: 9/10


So just like Taiream, Charmy and Cream are kinda too young to be shipped but that's okay we'll ignore it for now. I think that Charmy is a bit too immature for Cream. I think he and Cream would be more like brother and sister. Charmy would be like the annoying brother who always bugs Cream whenever she has friends over.

Likes: It'd be cute
Dislikes: Charmy's too immature
Rating: 6/10

If you wanna see me rate more ships (from any of my fandoms) just comment some that you'd like to see.

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