The fellowship of the mozzerella sticks (Part 5)

Start from the beginning


"Uhhhh... I no... speaku En-gul-ishu..." where's Namjoon when you need him?

"I think he's saying he'll kill us if we do something wrong hyung," Hobi said to me shaking. I gulped and we walked along with him. Into an... airport?

As we were walking I accidentally bumped into someone. I fell on my butt and the person apologized, taking my hand and helping me up. I suddenly felt something crumpled being put into my hand. The blonde haired man sent a dirty look at me and the girl. I could only make out e/c eyes, the rest was concealed.

My hand closed around the paper and I hid it, behind my back. The men signalled us to continue forward through the airport.

I looked at the note,

Accelerate and escalate, my friend will create a distraction.

I look over to the escalator and spot that brunette girl with the blue eyes. I gasp quietly and pass the slip around the three others. We look at each other and nodded.

The girl grabbed a gun from her pocket and suddenly fired it several times at the floor. She screamed and quickly hid her gun. She swung an arm out and pointed at the men and let out another scream.


Everyone else began screaming and running, diverting the men's attention.

"All right boys... DASHI RUN RUN RUN!" Jimin yelled. And we made a beeline for the escalator, rushing up it like it was doomsday and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off.

Your POV (finally)

I watched Jimin and J-hope scramble up the escalator, Jin followed swiftly afterwards and then Suga.

"Hey... isn't that... Takaoka?" Isogai asked in disbelief. I squinted at the man.

Large? check.
Brown unkempt short hair? Check.
Freaky-Ass eyes? Check.
Scratches on his neck? Check
Ugly? Check.

That's him all right. I heard Nagisa growl behind me, I agreed, that man is a nasty piece of work. What could he want with BTS?

"YAH! LET GO OF ME!" I heard Suga yell. I turned to see the men grabbing the rapper by the legs and attempting to pull him back down the escalator. Jin ran back and I called after him.

"stop struggling!" Takaoka was yelling, "you little-" Jin cut Takaoka off with a punch to the face and everyone gasped.

the man who never really hurts anyone and never gets properly angry just socked another man in the face! The blonde man grabbed jin and kicked him in the stomach, and jin crumpled onto the floor.

"YOONGI-AH! RUN!" Jin screamed at Suga. Suga just shook his head. I nodded at Lucy and she dashed forward, grabbing Yoongi by the hand and dragging him back up the escalator to the safety of the group. Suga was kicking and yelling like a toddler but we calmed him down and the other members comforted him.

I gave Soph my signal and she leapt forward and landed in front of Jin and the blonde haired man.

"My, my, Sophie... never thought I'd see you here,"

"shut up, mike," Soph snarled. Mike pulled out his gun and pressed the gun against Jin's neck. I saw Soph's knuckles go white as she clenched her fists.

"tut, tut" is that any way to treat your old mentor"

"You were not my mentor,"

"whatever, one false move and the pretty boy gets it," Jin was visibly shaking and he shut his eyes tightly.

"you wouldn't kill him, you need him," Soph folded her arms.

"Nah, we don't need him now, seeing as you're right here in front of us,"

I went pale, was this just a lure??

"you see Sophie, we were originally going to kidnap them then you would be hired to save them, and only then were we going to kill you and the rest... we just needed you all together. sure, we never thought you'd go to the concert but it just makes our plan far more complicated if we made a plan B."

"You can't fool me, you need him otherwise you wouldn't have that huge Hercules aircraft outside on the runway," Soph crossed her arms. Mike growled and the two men took ff in the direction of the entrance of the airfield.

I leapt off the balcony and joined Soph as we dashed after them.

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