Blackmail= Freedom

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While Cheryl was living her best life behind bars, her friends were gathering information against the judge and jury to manipulate them into freeing Cheryl. She would be proud.
"TiTi!" Cheryl squealed happily.
"CherBear!" Toni shouted.
"Thank you so much for coming to see me. I miss you so much!" Cheryl said.
"I miss you more." Toni added.
"I'm came too but whatever." Sweetpea said sarcastically.
"Hey, Sweetpea. What's up?"
Cheryl laughed.
"Chillin." Sweetpea said coolly.
"So how's life on the outside?"
Cheryl asked.
"Not the same without you. Oh, baby. You're so thin...and pale. Don't they let you outside?" Toni asked.
"Not to interrupt this heartfelt reunion but are you going to tell her?" Sweetpea asked.
"Oh! We're getting you out." Toni said softly.
"Really? How?"

Majistrate's Office

"How you treated Cheryl was cruel and unjust." Betty yelled.
"And we have evidence of a payoff from Penelope Blossom. Each one of you took a bribe." Jughead said. Laying out the evidence.
"Evidence tampering."
"Tax evasion."
"Racketeering. Indecent exposure...I wonder what my mother, editor of The Riverdale Register would think about this. She would have a field day. What, oh what would happen to your sterling reputation then?" Betty asked.
"You children think you can come in here and threaten government officials without punishment?" The judge asked.
"Punish us if you have to but just know, that if we go down, so do you. And you have a lot more to lose than a couple highschool students." Jughead said.
"It doesn't have to be ugly. Just let Cheryl out." Betty said softly.
"You have 24 hours to decide." Jughead took Betty by the arm and walked toward the door.
"What's stopping us from burning the evidence?" One of the jurors asked.
"What makes you think these are the only copies?" With that piece of crypticness, they left.
24 hours later, they caved.
24 more hours later Cheryl was released with her record expunged and a reduced sentence of 6 months probation and therapy.
When those six months were over, Cheryl left with Toni for New Mexico for a year. With the Serpents and Betty checking in on Nana Rose.
Cheryl returned like a boss.
High heeled boots clicking, booty shorts and a wifebeater vest under her red Serpent jacket.
Amazing tan! Stepping into the the Whyte Wyrm with her boo like she ran the joint.
"Hello, bitches! Missed me?"


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