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with your left arm delicately
draped around the folds
of my neck, legs and hearts
entwined alike a grapevine,
we fell asleep together against
thin, dewy blades of grass.
your jet-black hair slightly
tousled, lips slightly pouted
as we lay under the dark
hues of celestial space,
a speckled universe and
the likes. this serene
quietude only to be
interrupted by your short,
breathless whisper—
a timid whimper of insecurity.

"am i enough for you?"

as the gentle, silk touch
of my fingertips slowly
made way to softly cup
your rosy cheeks, i lightly
whispered in hushed,
honeyed tones, 

"you're more than enough, jimin."

SUMMER IN 2007 | PJM.Where stories live. Discover now