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as the gradual melt of a
once so sanguine sun
streaked a once clear, azure
canvas with rich and varied
dyes of pale pink and orange;
button nose neatly scrunched
up in keen concentration,
you cutely poked your
small head up from atop
the scratched, wooden fence.
flaunting your pink-dusted
yet sun-kissed cheeks—
light redness comparable
to a tulip flower, the bathing
daylight sure did you well,
beauty rich enough to call you 
apollo's son. a warm colour
palette. a fucking painted
masterpiece. with cautious
small steps, as light as air,
you daringly jumped over the
wooden barrier only to hastily
pace yourself towards me, swiftly
snaking both your slender arms
around my waist. softly
gasping in protest,

"what if someone sees us?"

my plea of worry only to
be soothed by your 
quiet whining, the calling
of an endearing angel, 

"i just wanted to see you."

SUMMER IN 2007 | PJM.Where stories live. Discover now