Chad put his hand to my lower back holding me tightly. My palm was against his as we swayed slowly to the rhythm. I rested my other hand on his shoulder.

"Why are you messing with my feelings?" I whisper into him steadily enough for him to hear.

"I'd do no such thing, Kally." He moved his hand up and down my back comforting me. I look up at him his eyes beaming back at me.

I looked past him reading the clock. Its ten pm just about the time the party is over. Dylan was a no show. I guess this is where we stand. Students started exiting out of the building through the back doors. Others were still swaying to the last song.

"What's on that cute little mind of yours?" He questioned staring at me while I was looking around.

I had too many questions to ask him. I couldn't do it here not if Dylan was going to show. I move out of his grip taking his hand in mine. Together we walk to my classroom on the other end of the hall. My heels clank on the hard floor, I was surprised I hadn't fallen dancing. My hand leaves his when I walk into my classroom. I pump them together as I walk slowly to my desk wondering how I'm going to put together the words that have been gnawing at my brain for so long now.

Finally, I lean against my desk my hands gripping the edges as I look up at him. "Did you just use me to make Dylan's life a living hell?" I asked finally getting that burden off of my chest.

Chad shakes his head lightly, he walks over to me. I want to move but I stay where I am. "No." He started moving his hand to my cheek, "I like you, Kally. Just like when I told you at your house. And Dylan didn't make it so easy on you either."

My brows furrow, my lips tightened before they part, "What do you mean?"

"He had the producer's daughter in his trailer on Monday for the movie party that he didn't invite you too... Yeah, he was wrecked. Drinking smoking with her. Not so sure he cares about you anymore Kally... I mean why isn't he here with you? You did invite him right?" He nodded his head meaning he already knew the answer to that. "I think it's time for you to forget about him. Don't you?" Chad looks from my eyes to my lips. Before he even gave me a chance to respond he pressed his lips against mine gently. My one hand is holding me up by the desk to not fall; the other is cupping his cheek. Chad holds my face with his left hand. We part our kiss our foreheads touching.

"I'm not so sure Cha-" he kisses me again this time with more aggression. Chad moves his left hand to the slit of my dress moving my leg to wrap around his. "Chad-" I breath out through our kiss. He strokes my thigh with his big hand. It was odd though I didn't feel any sparks like I did when he felt around me at my house. I wrap my arms around him leaning onto the desk as he lifts my leg up higher around him. My hands get tangled in his thick dark brown locks. Still nothing.

"What the fuck?" I hear a young girl's voice call out from the door. Mine and Chad's lips disconnect when we look to the girl with her jaw wide open her eyes watering.

"Lauren?" He breathed out trying to catch his breath. Not even seconds later a dark-haired man wearing a tuxedo strolls behind her. Oh no, I didn't even realize Chad and I haven't parted ways from each other. His left hand is up my dress while my arms are hung around his neck.

Lauren starts crying running away. Chad let's go of me immediately rushing to Lauren out the hall. Dylan stares at me blankly walking in the classroom. His lips together his eyelids dropped halfway. Looking like he was completely done with my shit. I stood up tall fixing my dress moving my hair behind my shoulders.

"You seriously couldn't wait for me?" He says in a whisper walking into the classroom.

I bite my bottom lip, I look to the ground fiddling with my fingers. "I- I thought you weren't coming."

"So you kiss him? You told me to be here by ten... I'm here." He says with his hands spread out beside him a forced smile on his face.

I look up, "The party started at six? I told you that... Maybe if you didn't have a girl in your trailer and you smoking and drinking yourself dumb you would have heard me!" I shout to him crossing my arms.

He scoffs, "Who told you that? Your little side piece? I didn't do anything with her. She was the producer's daughter she just wanted to smoke. So I gave her a cigarette she asked me why I'm upset... Why am I drinking and smoking a whole pack because my girlfriend is cheating on me repeatedly!" He states his voice raising after every word. "And she said I was hot but I got uncomfortable because even though I was pissed with you... I couldn't do that to you. So her father took her out which I was glad. So nice going believing that prick over than hearing it from me. Because oh... I don't keep things for you, Kally." He finishes a thin space between us. Dylan's eyes wander from my face to my neck. His hand comes up touching the necklace he got me his long finger tracing it sending shivers through my body. He grins, "You thought if you wore this everything would be okay?" He laughs with sarcasm. "Bullshit."

Dylan steps back. He turns on his feet heading for the door. When he stops he turns his head looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"You and I are done..."

The words break my heart I don't think it'll ever be able to heal again.

"Kally, don't ever, ever fucking call me ever again." Dylan turned leaving me alone in the classroom that started our never-ending problems.

A/N: Remember to vote and comment!!!

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