Sofia soaks all of this in, nodding her head slowly, "Okay."

Camila gives herself a moment to gather everything she wants to say, then begins, "So, for starters, I never got your letter. Not until recently. I may have been... sneaking around looking for a file and stumbled across it tucked away in my personal file. I can explain that situation another time, but... I just wanted you to know this place isn't exactly trustworthy.

"Anyway, I can explain the whole robbery situation. I know all the evidence piled against me is convincing, but I swear I had nothing to do with it. I was trying to steal, but only so I could get something to eat. I was only planning to take those donuts and go, I never had any intention to rob the place of all its financials. It was just... extremely bad timing.

"I've been living on the streets since shortly after I got out of the system. My friend who supplied me with dinners had just moved in with his brother out of state. Stealing was my only option to get a meal every few days. I know it's not honest, I know that. I regretted every theft down to the smallest energy bar. But... it was necessary for my survival.

"As for the assault of a cop," Camila scoffs and glances over at the guards laughing and joking by the door, "That never happened. That was self-defense from a predator. I don't know what kind of world you grew up in, but in mine... it wasn't the first time someone had tried something on me. My friend—the one I mentioned earlier—he taught me a few things about how to defend myself. And I did, when I had to.

"They made it all up. Everything. They wanted to blame someone, and I was convenient. It's not fair, but I can't change it now."

Sofia's mouth had fallen open at some point, though Camila would never be able to pinpoint the exact moment it had. She blinks, "Karla..."

"I go by Camila," Camila quickly corrects, "I... never really liked the idea of going by the first name our parents gave me."

"Okay, well... Camila, I-I don't even know what to say," Sofia mutters so quietly Camila barely hears her. She reaches up and wipes a stray tear away. Camila would probably have cried a month ago, but by this point, she had become numb to it all.

"So," Realization and surprise dawn on Camila, "You believe me, then?"

"Yeah. Yes," Sofia nods, "I think so."

Camila's heart jumps a beat; nobody has ever believed her before. Nobody except for Lauren. Camila peeks over Sofia's shoulder at the thought of Lauren, catching Lauren looking at her. She smiles before turning her attention back to Sofia. An overwhelming sense of emotion overtakes her and she stands, reaching across the table to give her sister a hug.

Sofia squeezes her so tightly she thinks she might lose all circulation. Camila can almost feel the apology waiting to slip off her tongue. Their hug lasts about three seconds before a guard shouts, "No touching!" And they're forced to split apart.

The rest of their time is spent learning about one another. Camila wants to ask questions about their family, but she decides now might not be the time. Plus, she rather enjoys her sister's company, and it's nice to see the real parts of her as opposed to the angry, hateful taste she got at the beginning of their relationship.

As visiting time is wrapped up, their conversation dies down. The gentle, concerned look hadn't left her face since about halfway through their talk when Camila told her all about Shawn. She reassured Sofia she has protection here after they got to Frangipane, Camila sneaking a glance at Lauren as she smiles to herself.

When the guards call for the last minute, Sofia grabs her purse and jumps up excitedly, seemingly getting a burst of energy from literally nowhere, "Don't worry, Camila. I'm going to look into this. I'll prove you innocent, no matter what it takes. I promise," Sofia's voice is surprisingly calm compared to the rest of her, and she talks lowly to avoid unwanted ears nearby, "And I'll be back in two weeks, next visiting day. I'm so incredibly sorry for... for... you know."

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