Macarons (Namgi)

57 11 24

(Namjoon's POV)

"there he is" I said dreamily starting at the guy who just walked in.

That guy is a regular to my cafe. he's here every weekend right on time.

10am on Saturday, he comes in and looks around, smiles at me, and comes to the front and orders KOYA Cafe's famous cherry blossom macarons.

He is my favorite customer. Oh here he comes.

"Hey Namjoon, what's new?" My favorite customer said sweetly

"Hello sir, nothing really same old same old" I laughed greeting him in return

"Ok haha, can I get my regular?" Yoongi laughed cheerfully

"Sure thing!" I said while walking to reach over to the fresh cherry blossom macarons I made an hour before he came in.

I put them in the KOYA Cafe's signature take out bag. And went back to the register.

"Done already?" Yoongi questioned at how fast I finished

"Yup I made them fresh before you got here" I said proudly

"Oh really, well too bad" yoongi said jokingly

"Well too bad? What do you mean?" I asked confused

"Well I don't get to talk to you more now that you've done the macarons already" yoongi said while leaning across the counter getting closer to me.

"W-well I-i thought you would want quicker s-service" I stuttered getting embarrassed

"Aww are you getting nervous baby?" yoongi said teasingly

I could feel my cheeks burning up with a flaming pink hue. He had never called me that before and I honestly liked it.

I then felt a warm hand on my face. It was yoongi gently rubbing his thumb on my cheek. I froze there getting more and more red by the second. I rubbed my arms as I got goosebumps by his touch.

"I wish to see you for longer" yoongi whispered in my ear.

I gasped at how low his voice was. I was truly infatuated with him.

"Well how much do I have to pay?" Yoongi said smirking. Probably at how much he made me blush.

"O-oh i-it's 5.40$ please" I said ringing up his order. Still embarrassed about the little moment we had a second ago.

He gave me 6$ and I made the change and grabbed the receipt. I felt as though he played with me a little as he seemed cool now. Even though we just had a moment of flirting a second ago.

I blushed more when giving him his change and receipt. Our hands touched for a second but it still made my heart skip a beat. I wanted to be held in his hands. They looked so safe and strong.

I saw yoongi grab a KOYA pen after I gave him his receipt and change.

He wrote something quick on it and looked up at me smiling.

"Here, it's something for you" he said gently as he slid the receipt in my hand

He grabbed his Cherry Blossom macarons and left out the door, but not before smiling at me and waving goodbye.

I saw the receipt in my hand and decided to look at it.

Right there was something that made my heart burst.

I was so happy. I squealed out of excitement.

Right there on the receipt was a message that read:

'You look adorable when you blush so don't hide it.
Here's my number: xxx-xxx-xxxx
❤️ -your future husband (lol)'

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