I wake up from my deep sleep and i see Mac, motionless, covered in blood.

"Baby?" I put my hand over my mouth in shock. "No!" I cry, checking his pulse. "Someone help!" I scream. A paramedic greets me at the car. "We're going to have to take him to the hospital, you can come in the ambulance, just give us time to load him in." The paramedic says. "What's happened to him?" My lip starts to wobble. "You've both got whiplash, you'll need checking over as well, the man in the car has smashed into the whole car, even the sides of it." The paramedic sighs. "Please keep my baby safe." I pout. "That's our job."

Calling Mommy🤰🏽💖

"Mommy! Please help!"

"Ariana, what's happened I'll be over here as soon as i can!"

"Mac and I, we've got whiplash and Mac's got hurt."

"Where are you?"

"Near Starbucks."

"I'm coming right now."

*ends call*

Mac gets laid on a stretcher and i go in the ambulance with him. "I'll meet you at the hospital honey." Mommy says. "Okay." I mumble. "Everything is gonna be alright." Mommy comforts me. "You sure?" I pout. "I'm sure."

Mommy meets me at the hospital and we have to wait in the waiting room. "Miss Grande Butera." The receptionist announces. Mommy comes in the room with me whilst i get checked because of my whiplash.

"Ariana Grande Butera?" The doctor confirms. "Yes, that's me." I mumble. Mommy puts her arms around me as i sit on the chair. "Can i see Malcom?" I cry. "After we've checked you." The doctor says. The doctor does an x-ray and puts some numbing cream on my neck. "You are in good conditions, take these tablets and put this cream on your neck." The doctor hands me the tablets and the cream. "Thank you." I mumble. "Where is Malcom?" I sigh. "Malcom McCormick?" The doctor asks. "Yes!" I start to loose my patients. "Room 147." The doctor says. "Thank you, goodbye."

I knock on room 147. "For Malcom?" The nurse asks. "Stop questioning everything! Yes! For Malcom!" I cry into Mommy's shoulder. "She's just upset." Mommy mouths to the nurse. The nurse nods her head.

I walk into room 147 and i stand by Mac. "What have you done to him?" I sob. "Ariana honey, let the doctors do what they have to do, he'll get better." Mommy tries to comfort me. "No! They're hurting him!" I lay my head next to Mac's. "Ariana, they're doing surgery. Leave him alone for a minute." Mommy rubs my back. "They're hurting him though!" I shout. "He's under anaesthetic, he can't feel anything." Mommy says. "It's all of my fault, i wanted to go to Starbucks." I cry. "No it isn't, that idiot in the car gave you whiplash and then on purpose he crashed into the side of the car and the windows are broken." Mommy says firmly. "Would you two like to wait in the waiting room? The next part of the surgery will be distressing." The nurse kindly asks. "No i will not leave! I  want to see him! I want to be near him." I shout. "Ariana, he'll be out of surgery soon. Let's go!" Mommy points to the door. "In fact, he'll be out of surgery in an hour." The nurse smiles. "Okay. Take care of him." I snarl.

Mommy and I walk into the waiting room. "Take your mind off of it." Mommy rubs my back. "How? He's my boyfriend." I sigh. "He'll be fine." Mommy smiles. "How is he fine? I don't even know what happened to him!" I cry. "Would you like me to ask someone?" Mommy says. "Yes."

Whilst my Mommy asks the receptionist, Karen, Mac's mum walks into the hospital. "Are you Ariana?" She asks me. "Yes." I sigh. "Oh Ariana! It's so nice to meet you! When Malcom told me he has a girlfriend, i cried with joy. You're so beautiful." Karen hugs me. "Thank you, are you going to see Mac?" I say. "I'd rather wait for him to recover, i don't want to interrupt anything." Karen says. "I can't believe what happened." A tear forms in my eye. "Just know Ariana, he will be okay, he's been in loads of surgery's before when he was a kid. He'll be just fine." Karen sits next to me. "I hope so." I mumble.

Mommy found out what happened to Mac. The glass in the window cut though his chest, it would be hard to get out.

"What time is it?" I sigh. "He'll be out in five minutes or so." Karen looks at her watch.

As soon as Karen said that, Mac was in a wheelchair, he looked really tired but i didn't care, that was what i was waiting for. "Mac!" I run over to the wheelchair and kiss him on the lips. We all greet him and make him feel safe. "It'll be best if he spends a night on his own, he needs some space." The doctor says. "Aw." I pout. "I'll be back tomorrow though." I giggle. "And I'll be glad when you come back." Mac smiles.

I drive home and go straight to sleep, not even bothering to put any pjs on. I didn't want to leave Mac but i had to, at least i knew he was okay.

In the morning, i post a picture to Instagram.

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arianagrande the strongest person i know ♡

View all 678,345 comments

arianaishmyqueen do i see a new relationship👀

toulousegrandefan OMGGGGGG!

sweetlikeariana we will now call this maciana❤️

daisypalmer what the actual hell! mac deserves better, she's just been with a boy. mac's getting into a deep dark trap.

victoriamonet 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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