Chapter 5: Stuck

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Hello people who are kind enough to read my story :) I have to say that the comments I got made me smile! So thank you and please carry on reading :D And as usual tell me if there are mistakes I need to correct! (I still have to edit and stuff c: )

~YourGuardianAngel ♥



"We cannot pretend that reality is different from what it is."

― Adolfo Aguilar Zinser

The weather changed drastically; the previously blue sky was now dark and dull grey, and the fluffy-looking cloud turned into dark patches that stained sky. The wind was howling, causing the tall trees to bend like simple rubber sticks— powerful and noisy like werewolves on a full moon night.

Standing in front of the person—I mean monster—who ruined everything, I did nothing but stare at him; his ordinary brown hair and eyes, his fake kindness and the almost invisible silver scar on his temple, everything about him seemed  to be innocent. However beyond this shell of kindness rested a shameless and selfish creature that would do anything—and I mean anything—to get a secure place in the Council. Whether it was betraying his best friend or killing his own children, he would do it.

                “So Caleb, why so aggressive? You know I realised that a lot of people tend to hide their true selves by using anger,” I said with a fake innocent smile on my lips. My gaze fell on the chair he broken a few minutes ago, and picked up one thin long piece of the broken material. Debris of wood and bent metal were scattered across the neatly polished parquet, making me wonder about what the caretaker would say. I traced my finger along the bumpy edge of the piece of wood, trying to quickly make up my mind.

                Finish him or scare him? I chose the second option. Killing him would have been an easy way; if I did I would have freed from an eternity of remorse. The torture wasn’t going to be physical though. What I wanted was to destroy him from the inside.

The monster looked at me in what was supposed to be shock. “What are you talking about? Lily I think you’re just being paranoid. I know you lost your pare—”

                “Don’t say lost. They were taken away from me,” I said. My voice seemed distant, almost as if I was someone else. I didn’t talk about my parents; it was like an unwritten rule that my brother and I had established. The temperature seemed to have dropped, so low that each breath sent a cloudy white puff in the air.

                Unatural. The voice had felt it too. This sudden change couldn’t have possibly been something that mother nature was responsible for. Surely it was either someone using some kind of a demonic spell or, simply playing with the elements.

Outside, the sky growled like a furious animal, perfectly reflecting my inner emotions. The thunder appeared to grow louder and louder as if it was encouraging me to make my move. I took a step forward, crushing and snapping the bone-like wood, and grabbed him by the collar; my cool, sinful hands on the blue fabric of his shirt.

                “I am being nice here okay? Do not talk to my brother. And if you do, I will destroy you, get it? I will spill every single secret I know about you. And trust me I know a lot.”

                “What are you talking about? I met you yesterday by the gate. How on earth would you know things about me? Let alone secrets.” His voice said one thing but his look said another. The liar’s hands were shaking and sweat streamed down his face like tears. I stepped up my game and said the name of person that only a few people knew. A special circle of ‘trusted’ individuals.

Just a game {1st draft...}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora