Chapter 2: Verdict

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Thank you for reading little angels :3  I kind of had to rush this chapter (as I'm going on holiday tomorrow) so please tell me if I need to correct some things, I'll be happy to make changes :)

~YourGuadianAngel ♥



"You are your own judge. The verdict is up to you"

― Astrid Alauda

After God knows how long, Ben finally showed up. At this moment in time, my brother had fallen asleep and was completely unaware of my plans. Good, we don’t want to spoil his innocence... the voice was telling the truth, as always. Something about him gave the impression that he didn’t belong in the street and all the trouble that came with it. The boyish appearance he had with golden messy hair and vulnerable broken look in his big green eyes said it all; he had enough of the mess we were always involved in and was obviously better than this. Better than me.

“How are you feeling dear?” Ben’s deep voice echoed, “Weak and pathetic like your mother I guess.” The tone he used made me want to sweep the arrogant smug of his disgusting face. I never met my mother but this was enough for me to lose it. Feeling the rush of adrenaline, I was next to him in a blink of an eye, my hands around his neck. Pressing onto his warm sweaty skin, he writhed in pain, as I stared at him numbly; neither feeling joy nor guilt.

The coward let out a small whimper but didn’t even try to break free, on the contrary he stopped moving and completely stood still, as if all will of living had left him. His lack of struggling made me wonder if he was trying calm me down by using the ‘I-am-not-moving’ method often used on wild animals. Despite him playing ‘dead’, I could feel his loud heartbeat between my slender fingers, a rhythmic melody that showed that he was still alive.

Call me morbid or heartless, I don’t care, I wanted to rip him apart and make him get a taste of his own medicine. Though I thought that getting revenge would make me feel more content, it was like I was once again under anaesthetics. The scene looked unreal and it was similar to being surrounded by fog, blocking my sight, other senses and feelings. The next few seconds still remain blurry, as all I can remember was a beaten up Ben and a disappointed Ollie.

“Lily? What are you doing?” I turned around, ready to come up with a believable excuse for my unacceptable and reckless action. Ollie wasn’t supposed to know that I was going to end that useless man’s life. I had promised him. Not knowing what to feel in this shameful situation, a mixture of anger, frustration and guilt washed through my supposedly frail body. I released Ben from my strong grip, letting him cough up blood whilst I tried to look for a hint of forgiveness in my brother’s green eyes. Unfortunately, my attempt was in vain as his face seemed to have set in stone, shutting everything out completely. Including me.

Ben’ small cries blended perfectly with the distant screams of other unfortunates who had been caught by the council’s dogs. Pretty ironic considering the fact that the coward was one them. Knowing that I couldn’t break my promise and, I decided to scare the imbecile. At least get some satisfaction out of it right? Trying to shake off the shame I was feeling, I grabbed his arm and yanked him against the blood-stained wall, ready to give him what he deserved.

 I took out the small pocket knife out of his pocket and etched small lines on his square shaped face. My smirk grew wider as real salty tears streamed down his red cheek, blending with the thick blood. Who would’ve thought that the mighty guards of the Council cried? A series of punches and kicks in the stomach followed along with unbearable whining, making me want to seal his disgusting mouth of his forever.

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