Chapter #20 Remi

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      The maze was pale green.

      It's Ivory setting amazed me. It was nicer than what I had ever seen, although I have never seen much. It's beautiful colours swindled together and made the setting in front of me.

      And although I would have loved to watch the place me and my friend were in, we didn't have that type of time. It isn't exactly easy to admire the scenery when your getting chased by a giant monster.

      Well, it isn't a monster, just more like a giant sized gorilla that somehow scares both me and Blyke. Two high tiers from one of the most prestigious schools, 'Wellston.'

     Now, I bet whoever is watching this is laughing their head off. Well, that's probably the whole school if I'm being completely honest.


      I looked over at the red haired male running directly beside me. "Yeah?"

      He pointed behind us, "we have to defeat it, trust me. If I get enough time, I can come up with a plan..."

       "Rooooooooaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr," the giant gorilla (monster) behind us growled, roaring like a tyrant who has lost both control and sense.

       "You got a plan?" I yelled, "because neither of us have the time to figure out a way to stop this monster. We need a fast and swift kill."

      Blyke shook his head, "plans don't plan themselves, it takes time."

      "Time that we do not have!" I yelled back, "seriously Blyke, it's now or never. Think of something. It doesn't have to be grand or majestically done, just do something."

          Even though we were running, Blyke Still managed to glare at me. "Remi, the plans I make are never majestic and beautiful. I often make them ruthless and quick, but since you seem to have such a bad view of them, I'll have to show you them myself."

        Without warning, he grabbed onto one of the maze walls, fully knowing the consequences of it. "Remi keep on running!" He yelled just before the vines started there affect.

       "Blyke! You idiot!" I ran back towards him, trying to think of the plan that he had tried to make, and why he was being so reckless.

        He began to shake, and the electricity began to flow through him. "For gods sake! Just do as I say!"

        I took a step back, not very used to hearing him use that tone of voice. "Fine," I retorted, "do whatever you want, just don't get hurt!" I knew that he could see my anger, and I hoped he actually listened.

          He stared back at the monster that came running in his direction, and grinned. "Well," he cackled, even though he was getting shocked every now and then. "Come over here you big oversized ape." He stuck his tongue out almost mockingly. "Or are you too scared."

         The gorilla like monster cocked his head, and soon began dashing towards my friend. In no time, he was right on front of him, a devilish look in his eyes.

       Blyke reached out, and grabbed one of his arms, clutching it with all his might. It was hard not to run and pull him from the fence that was the cause of his shaking.

      The gorilla immediately howled in both terror and pain. I watched as the electricity ran though it's skin and fur. The same electricity that passed through Blyke.

        "Remi!" My red haired friend yelled, "Now! Do something with your lightning!"

         My hands lifted up unconsciously, and I hesitated. "Then when I shoot!" I yelled back, "Get out of the way!"

       I saw a small nod, and used that as reassurance for my next actions. Electricity danced in a straight line towards the ferocious beast, and Blyke deliberately let go.

      As expected, the lightning hit its mark, and the giant sized gorilla, sending it to its knees.

       Blyke was coughing, clutching his throat and shaking. The electricity from the fence had to have its affect on him. And he knew it.

       "Blyke!" I yelled in horror, running in his direction. "Are you okay?!"

       There wasn't any sort of response, and I reached him.

       "Blyke!" I yelled once again, shaking him by his shoulders, "respond!"

       "R-Remi?" His golden orbs stared back at my amber ones, and it was me who began to shake.

       "Blyke... please...  are you okay?" My voice cracked, and I could feel the tears that streamed down My face.

      "Remi..." Blyke smiled, although I could tell that he was in pain. "I'm fine, I'm serious."

       I took a deep breath in, and out. Before I knew it, I wrapped my hands around his neck and began sobbing into his shirt. "I-I was s-so worried..."

       He patted my head softly, "I'm okay Remi, see?"

       I nodded, and felt more comfortable. "I'm just glad your okay."

       "Remi," his voice was more worried this time. "The gorilla is..."

         I already knew the next words that were about to come out his mouth. And I turned, all those years training as a high tier and being known as 'Nefarious' weren't for nothing.

        "Take this!" I yelled to the monster right in front of me, sending all my rage and anger. The blue static rays of electricity glistens as they hit the gigantic beast. After seeing the results, well, I may have gone a bit too far...


       I turned over to look at Blyke, who was holding up the paper. "Look!"

       I stared at it, and soon realized that the new marks on it were on our side.

          With big bold letters, it read...

          'Monster Defeated, Passage open.'

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