Chapter #3 Elaine

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      I took a big breath in and out, "why the hell do those three have to scare the entire schools population?"
I was currently sitting in one of the popular tables, popularity was just too easy to gain. Especially when you had the looks.

      "Elaine?" A silver headed boy asked, "is your name Elaine?"

      I scrutinized him, "yeah, what about it?"

      He grinned, "I have heard so much about you, mostly about you being a temptress, or a..."

      I rolled my eyes, "I get the point," I interrupted, "but why did you come over?"

      He shrugged, "well, I heard from my friends that you were a temptress, so I went to check you out." He looked at me sadly, "though I don't really find what my friends saw in you."

I gave him a glare, "oh really?" I stood up and grabbed his tie, "are you sure?"

I purred, "because it seems to me," I pinched his already red cheeks, "that you have already fallen for me."

He fell backwards in surprise, his cheeks were a maddening red, and he was gazing at me in wonder. "Wow," he muttered, "they weren't kidding."

"Well it seems to me that you are way to dense to understand these types of things." I puffed my hair, "like a child." With that, I walked on, ignoring his protests.

I walked into the dark empty hallway, with no surprise, no one was there. My guess was that the daily pranks had only started, hopefully John wasn't in trouble. My thoughts were cut short when I heard a heap of uncontrollable laughter coming from the hall next to me.

      "This is so fun!" I could hear venom and amusement in the voice, I knew exactly who it was. My muscles screamed in panic, I couldn't get caught, they would kill me!

       'Defamatory won't let that happen,' a voice in my head soothed, I leaned against the wall relaxed.
'The thing is,' the voice continued, "he isn't here.' I jumped up, he wasn't here, and I could get seriously hurt right now.

      "Are you done Remi?" A cold lifeless voice asked, "I think we need to take him to the Infirmary."

      Blyke was here too? Remi was bad enough, but the duo terrified me to no end!

      "Whyyyyyy," Remi whined, "this was getting so fun!"

       The hairs on my back froze, on no, oh no, Oh No! They were coming over! This was not good.

      "Remi," Blyke commanded, "the poor guy has had enough to deal with for the day."

      "Fine,"she sighed, "but could you carry him?"

      I could hear Blyke wall over to a body pile on the floor, suddenly, he snapped his head my way.
"Remi," He said soothingly, "don't panic, but we got a spy."

      My heart beat feverishly to my chest, This was not good.

     "WHAT," Remi screamed, "WHERE WAS IS THIS CRAZY BASTARD?"

       I shook in terror, but followed directions my friend had given me a few days ago. When people were coming, climb onto the lockers. After a few seconds of complete silence, I was on top of the lockers.

      I could hear footsteps bellow me, "where did the spy go?" Remi barked out.

      "It was Elaine," Blyke commented, "so I have absolutely no idea how she got away. She isn't capable of escaping on her own."

Wow, so much confidence in me.

"I agree," Remi nodded, "she stuck up, and can't even get out of her problems."

An arrow literally hit my head, what? How was I stuck up? Besides, I could get out of my own problems!

"Well," Blyke said in concentration, "if she learned a thing or two from Defamatory, she would be..." He looked up, onto the tops of the lockers, "there."

He pointed at me, and I gazed back at him, not sure what to do.

"There you are!" Remi chirped, "now, for starters, could you get down?"

I stood up, I wasn't the brightest, but I certainly wasn't dumb like Risible.
"I don't feel like it," I grinned, "and I doubt you could actually climb up here."

Remi's face darkened, she caught hold of the locker, and began to climb up. A dark evil aura surrounded her.

At that point, I jumped off, knowing that I could only use one more tactic.
"You know," I stalked towards Blyke, "it's not nice to point at a lady."

He chuckled, trying to look completely unfazed, but I was able to catch the faintest blush on his cheeks.

I reached him, and grabbed his chin, pushing it down, "how will you make it up to me?"

He stared at me, completely locked in a trance. I used the opportunity to my advantage, and I pulled out my phone. There was red button on top of it, and I pushed it quickly, making sure that Blyke didn't notice.

By then, Remi had gotten her way to the top, and she glared at me, "What the hell? Let go of him!"

Blyke still hadn't gotten over his trance, and I had a feeling that if I didn't let go of Blyke, Remi would make sure I wouldn't see tomorrow.

So I let Blyke go, and turned to face the other side of the hall, waiting. He had to show up. He promised me that whenever I pushed the button for help, he would come as soon as possible!

      Remi began to approach me cautiously, like a predator circling its prey. Blyke snapped out of it, and he glared at me, but unlike Remi, he came directly to me, not bothering to circle or scare me.

      "Please," I whispered, "make yourself useful and get your butt over here."

      "Who are you talking to," Blyke asked plainly, "nobody's here to help you."

      I sighed, if Defamatory was close, then he would have heard my plea.

      Abruptly, Remi pounced toward me, leaving me no room to run away. Blyke put his hand out, ready to shoot one of his lasers.


      The whole hallway froze in horror, standing right in the far end where I was looking at before, stood Defamatory.

      "Stay away from her," he growled, "and go back to the cafeteria."

      Remi and Blyke walked passed me, giving me glares and incoherent cursing.

      "Thanks John." I smiled in relief.

       He nodded, and sprang up. "Shoot! I ran out of the office!"

I grimaced, "were you in trouble again?"

He nodded rapidly, "now Altruistic is going to kill me! I literally ran passed her!"

      I grumbled a few "ha" and began to go back to the cafeteria.

      "Wait!" He called after me, "you have to help me! Use your charm or whatever on her!"

      I shook my head, "I told you, my charm only works on someone who would be attracted to me in general. Besides," I told him impatiently, "if I try that, my life would be on the line." With that, I gave him my back, and headed off toward a safer place, leaving him stranded and completely helpless.

      I chuckled at the thought, he was always calling me trouble, it was nice to finally have a change.

I know that the book is confusing, so if you have any questions, please ask in the comments below! Thanks for reading!

UnOrdinary ChangesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora