New Years Special

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      The starry dark beautiful night was irrelevant to those at the Wellston New Years Party. Crazy yells of annoyance or happiness were heard throughout the halls.

      The gymnasium was the main zone, where friends hung out and food was eaten. Everyone was celebrating in their own ways.

"Elaine!!!" The black haired boy ran towards the girl.

She rolled his eyes, "oh god... what happened now?"

John smirked, "I found something..."

Elaine stared at John for a moment, and a grin spread across her face. "Well then, tell me."

John pushed Elaine somewhere deserted. "I can't let the public hear," he mouthed.

She nodded.

He whispered something in her ear, and the girl widened her eyes.

They both gave each other stares that said, 'lets do this!' And that's how they both ended up running through the hallways, smirking as they went.

"What's going on now?" Blyke asked, pointing at the two running figures. "Did something happen?"

The pinkette shrugged, "who knows? Maybe we should follow them!"

Blyke grabbed Remi's hand, "well then! No time to waste!"

The two caught up to Elaine and John.

"What are you running to?" Remi asked excitedly.

John turned to face both of them, "well..." he whispered the last part.

Blyke and Remi laughed.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Blyke asked cockily.

The four of them ran. Everyone made room for them, nobody wanted to become a victim of one of the three demons.

The last three adjectives were sitting at a table uncomfortably. The blonde haired boy tried to make conversation, but it was clear that the tension on the table was enough to put a quick stop to that.

"Oh come on!" Unusual groaned, "why won't you two open up to each other?"

"I don't like her." Obtuse stated very bluntly.

Altruistic shrugged, "I can't start up a conversation with someone who hates me!"

Arlo put a hand to his head, "you two are impossible..."

The magenta haired girl stood up, "I should get going..."

"Why?" Obtuse asked harshly, "does Arlo matter nothing to you?"

Unusual glared at him, "Isen..." he warned.

Altruistic's stare hardened, "What I think or do is none of your concern." With that, she disappeared off into the distance.

Isen smirked, "typical..."

"Why did you do that?" Arlo's glare alerted Isen that he didn't make the best decision.

Isen stared innocently, "it was just a question..."

Unusual stood up, "I should go after her."

Obtuse grabbed his arm, "no! I mean, you just got here! She's probably busy anyway!"

Arlo sat back down, "Fine!" He glowered.

Isen huffed a sigh of relief. "How are you feeling?"

"Good actually." Arlo nodded, "it was sunny today."

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