Chapter #14 Seraphina

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      The room was filled with papers and folders, all messy.

      I gridded my teeth. I could not stand mess. You could say that I was a clean freak, it's just my way of living!

       My interrogator entered the room. He was wearing a simple blue shirt and black jeans. The frown on his face alerted me that he was not happy to be here.

       "Hello!" I greeted kindly.

       He glared at me.

      I sweat dropped.

      This guy wasn't as nice as the interrogator I had usually met up with.

       "Hey." I tried to catch his attention, "Where is Cashmir?"

       "He is coming." The man growled.

      Whoa, aggressive. He must really not like me.

       "Did I do something to upset you?" I asked concerned.

       He shook his head, "no." He stated, "your just annoying."

       I raised my eyebrows. Was this guy serious? I had talked to him for literally a few seconds, and he already thought I was annoying!

       I smiled, I sure wasn't dumb enough to respond back, so I stood up. I knew that he would react, and I already knew my answer.

       "Where are you going?" He asked stoically.

       "I'm going to grab a glass of water." I grinned, "don't worry, I will come back right after."

       The look on his face was priceless.

     "Hey!" He stood up fast, "I'm supposed to supervise you! You can't go out!"

      I laughed, "Are you telling me I'm a prisoner here?"

     He shook his head, "no, you just... I can't... I mean fine! You can go! But you better come back!"


     He glared, "just letting you know, I could capture you back if you tried to escape. This isn't a prison, but you agreed to come and be questioned. And trust me, I don't like people who lie."

       I nodded, and headed out the door. He was infuriating! Besides, he was stupid for underestimating me. I could easily get out of here. After all the training I took, not only my ability could get me out of here. But sneaking and spying on the three devils in the hallways gave me experience.

      I heard a crash from another far room, and I narrowed my eyes. What now?

      I walked over to the room and poked my head in. It was a normal sized room, and a big cabinet was the only thing in here. Other than the smashed window.

      The people came in, I could tell because of the window shards that were on the floor inside. If they were getting out, the shards would be in the outside.

      I continued to look at the window, the way that they punched it... it was familiar. I thought about it for a moment, and then it came to me.

      'Don't tell me it's him,' I growled, "That's definitely Defamatory punch, no denying it. But why would he be here?'

       I looked around, there was a few vents that were big enough to crawl through. But he isn't that smart to actually think that. So he would have to be...

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