Chapter #13 Remi (special)

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      Just saying! This is like a special adventure story special. This chapter is big and confusing (sort of). This is just a special, so it won't actually affect the characters in the story. If you want to skip the chapter, you won't miss anything. But I encourage you to read it. For me, it was funny. So if you do decide to read it, I hope it is to your liking.

      The green shrubbery danced across my vision. The piles of dirty on the ground were hard and unpleasant. The breeze was now blocked by the tree's, and I was dying from heat.

      "How are you doing?" Blyke asked calmly.

      I laughed, "it's relaxing and nice!" That was a lie.

      Elaine nodded, "yeah! It's nice being out of town for a bit."

      Isen smiled, "this place is way better than the city."

      The tree's swayed with the wind. Continuing to block any breeze from reaching us. I stared in jealousy at the branches that swayed, 'how come you get all the wind?'

      We kept walking, we could hear the birds chirping, and the river splashes. Wait? Were we close to a river already?

      "Do you know the forest well?" Elaine asked, staring at Isen.

      Isen shrugged, "not really, I've been here multiple times, it's just that everything here looks the same. So it's hard to tell where you are."

      Elaine turned to me, "Then what about you?"

      I shook my head, "I haven't ever been here, so I don't know a thing."

      Elaine looked worried, "so what about you Blyke?"

      Blyke shook his head, "same with Remi."

      Elaine stood paralyzed. "Then where are we going?"

      Isen looked at the three of us, "none of you know the forest?!"

      "You mean that you expected us to?" I flailed my arms.

      Blyke clenched his teeth, "this isn't good..."

      The river splashes were closer now. Dark clouds flooded the area, creating a dark aura around the large evil forest.

      "Do any of you know this river?" Elaine asked measly.

      Isen shrugged, "I've never gone this far before."

      Me and Blyke shared looks. "I don't think we studied this in geography class."

      We all stopped walking. Suddenly, it dawned on all of us.

      We were lost.


      "I don't think splitting up is a good idea." I protested.

      Isen nodded, "it isn't, but it may be the only way we can find our way back."

      Elaine shivered, "I think it's going to rain soon."

      "We can text." Blyke said, holding up his phone.

      I held mine up, "I use data, so I can message or call."

      Isen and Elaine frowned. "We can't text or call."

      "Well then, we have to split up into pairs of two's." Blyke announced.

      I looked over to Elaine and Isen. I didn't really want to be paired up with one of them, but it was the only way.

UnOrdinary ChangesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora