Chapter #6 Remi

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I huffed a breath of annoyance, why was I always looked over like a villain? Why didn't anyone notice that I hurt people just like everyone else did? Everyday, more victims were targeted by random people than me and Blyke. It got really annoying that they blamed us for every accident that happened.

I just wanted to be an ordinary person, respected, loved, and happy! But since I was a high tier, nobody really approached me. And after the incident. I growled, my dream vanished away like it was a piece of trash.

"Are you okay Remi?" Blyke asked me worried, "you look sad."

I turned to him, "I'm fine," I lied. He narrowed his eyes, I could tell that he wasn't convinced.

"Remi.." He mumbled, he wrapped a his arm around my shoulders, "it will be okay."

I smiled, he really did know me better than I knew myself.

We walked towards the roof, our place. Not many people came here anyway. So we made it our official spot, nobody came here after hearing that.

I walked over to the fence, sitting down, the suns beams shined in my face, I grinned.

"We only have half hour until we got to go to class." Blyke commented slyly.

"Ughhhhhhh..." I groaned, "can't I just skip?"

Blyke snickered, "again? You aren't going to get any smarter if you continue to skip."

I shook my head, "I'm smart enough," I gave him a pointed look.

He huffed in annoyance, "come on, it will be fun!"

I shook my head, "none of your brain magic will be able to convince me to go to school." I glared, "and that's final."

He chuckled, "want to bet on that?" His eyes narrowed and a smirk danced across his lips.

I cocked my head, "since when have I said no."

He stood up, "your sure?" His voice had a pint of nervousness.

I nodded, "of course, there is absolutely no way that you would actually be able to convince me..."

He inched closer to me, our faces only about a few inches away. "Your sure?" He asked again, unsure.

I nodded, too dazed to actually pronounce anything.

He smiled softly, and patted me on the head. "Don't blame me after, okay?"

I squinted my eyes, "why?"

Suddenly, our foreheads were touching and I could feel the heat from his breath. My heart speeded up, my arms clutched my chest, and I felt jittery, and very happy. I didn't know why.

I smiled, "Blyke," I blushed, "thanks, I feel a lot better now." I ruffled his hair, "for some reason," I admitted, "your presence soothes me."

He smiled crookedly, and I could tell he was nervous. "I-I," he began, "R-Remi." His breath quickened, "R-Remi, I l-like y-you." He stood up abruptly his face was flushed, "n-no." He was shaking, "I d-don't like you..." his voice cracked, "I love you."

My heart skipped a beat, my cheeks burst into flames, and my breath became rigid. I stared at him, what was this feeling? I was just so happy, happier than I have ever been in my life.

He came up to my face again, patting my head, "so w-will you c-come to class with m-me?"

"Did you mean i-it?" I asked, "your c-confession?"

He shuffled his feet, "y-yeah..." he mumbled, "I-I d-do."

I grabbed his hand, "well then." I pecked him softly on the cheek, "shall we go to class?"

If it was possible, he blushed even harder, "o-okay."

I walked beside him as we made our way down the stairs, although I lost to the bet. I have never felt happier in my life.

      Sorry if the plot is moving too fast! Hopefully you will understand the plot soon! Thanks for reading!

UnOrdinary ChangesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora